Funny Thing About The Fickle Fiddle

Been thinking (dangerous pastime, I know), but you know what's ironic about Wasn't's (my English teacher would hurl if he saw that word) current situation?

He's her fallback...he's playing second fiddle to her ex-husband AND ex-boyfriend.

I can't claim utter brilliance in coming to this conclusion on my own mom led me down the path when she said in her thick southern drawl, "Honey, he's never gonna be first with her. He'll be miserable. The fact that he's once again callin' you is proof of that. He's her fallback."

My mom is always right, I swear. Wasn't goes out of town, and his gf welcomes her ex-boyfriend into her home with open arms, while allegedly treating Wasn't like dirt.

So, if by some unconscious (or possibly conscious, the devious wad) desire Wasn't holds me as his fallback, isn't it fitting that he, in essence, is the real fallback? See, I can't be his fallback when I've never chosen that role...perhaps I was unwittingly in that role a few years ago, when I legitimately believed something may evolve--given his empty words and invites--but I put an end to the back-and-forth.

He's laboring under a delusion with regard to me AND with his current gf. Ironic.

Wanna hear something interesting? His gf told him she's not sure she can fully trust him yet. Well, well, well.

What's that old reap what you sew? Yeah, that.