Armchair BEA: On Signed Books

Oh how I love signed books. Actually, I just love signed anything. I have a special shelf on my bookcase that holds just my signed books. So, I thought I would show you a few of the signed books I currently own, and some of the ones that I would have loved to pick up at BEA.

First there is The Thirteenth Reality by James Dashner. Cute, fun book. And I seem to run into James everywhere. Our conversations go like this:

Me: Hey, you remember me?
James Dashner: Yeah, Emily, right?
Me: Yep, that's me. How's it going?
James Dashner: Good
Me: I liked what you had to say on the panel this afternoon.
James Dashner: Thanks!

Pretty much every time. Here is a picture of James and I at a signing. And.. the signed book:

At the same signing I met Jessica Day George. She signed her book Sun, Moon, Ice and Snow for me.
And, just recently I had the opportunity to get a book signed by Mette Ivie Harrison. It was her newest book, Princess and the Snowbird. (Which I sadly have not yet read). I didn't get a picture with Mette because sometimes I'm totally scatterbrained, and this was one of those times. But, here is the signed book.
But, my most prized book of all time is Goose Girl by Shannon Hale.  I won't go into a whole lot of detail about this signing, because I'm going to do a post about the whole event at a later date. But, here is the book and a picture of me with Shannon Hale and her husband Dean. In case you can't read the book, it says "For Emily- who is my biggest fan, but not in a Kathy Bates way."

And now, the books I would LOVE to have signed at BEA. There were so many that I just decided to highlight three:

Not only is this cover awesome, but the book sounds sooo amazing. I love dystopia. Love, love, love it!  Luckily, this author is local to me which means I will definitely get this one signed someday. And, I have exchanged emails with her, and she's really nice. A definite plus.

For the Win by Cory Doctorow

I don't have a real reason behind this one.. It just looks awesome.

Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder

More dystopia. Oh, and it's a book by Maria Snyder. I like all of these things.

So, what signed book do you treasure? What books do you wish you had signed?