Cover VS Cover - The Vampirates Series

US Covers up top, UK covers on the bottom. Please click to enlarge!

I intended to do this, and Jenny over at Wondrous Reads said she saw a Cover VS Cover coming up, and here is is! :D

As regular readers of EoB's will know, I am a big fan of Justin and his Vampirates series. I think they are brilliant for readers of all ages and can't recommend them enough, but I don't want to talk too much about the content of the books in this post, for fear of repeating myself. This is merely a commentary on the cover art.

I loved the original UK covers, and was sad when S&S made the decision to change them. But in hindsight, it's the best decision they could of made. These new covers stand out on the bookshelves. They're bright, but dark at the same time. And shiny too!

I was also a big fan of the US covers, but I never felt that they had the same drawing quality that the UK covers. And then Little Brown also made the decision to re-jacket the books. And goodness what a job they have done!

These new US covers which you see before you are absolutely stunning. Yes, they are kind of scary. But they are just so enticing, so intriguing. The use of the skull, the font used for the VAMPIRATES logo. The shining lights out of the eye sockets. Just simply amazing! Created by Justin Gerard, these are true works of art. One very proud Vampirate fan here!

This Cover VS Cover has to go the US, I'm afraid. That's a very rare occurrence as I'm not normally a fan of US covers, but these covers are possibly my favourite so far of 2010! Well done Little Brown! Big thumbs up.