In My Mailbox 5/1

IMM is a weekly meme hosted and created by Kristie at The Story Siren and was inspired by Alea at Pop Culture Junkie.

I am not doing a vlog today since I only got two books. And who wants to watch a video with only two books in it?.. In fact, I wasn't even going to do a post, because up until Friday, I hadn't received any books in the mail. But, the fedex man came and brought me...

By: Andrea Cremer
Release Date: October 19, 2010
Isn't that cover delicious?! I've seen some pretty positive buzz for this book, so I'm excited to read it. And, I know The Literati will love it. (The teenage reading and writing group I'm an adviser for). It's a pretty hefty ARC at 450 pages.

Also, I might be getting this wrong, but I'm pretty sure that Andrea had to change her main character's name from Calla to Cassia. I thought I read that on her website, and now I can't remember where I found it. So, if I'm wrong, I'm sorry...  Here's the synopsis of the book from Goodreads:
While other teenage girls daydream about boys, Calla Tor imagines ripping out her enemies’ throats. And she wouldn’t have it any other way. Calla was born a warrior and on her eighteenth-birthday she’ll become the alpha female of the next generation of Guardian wolves. But Calla’s predestined path veers off course the moment she saves the life of a wayward hiker, a boy her own age. This human boy’s secret will turn the young pack's world upside down and forever alter the outcome of the centuries-old Witches' War that surrounds them all.
And... the book trailer:

Doesn't that look awesome? Look for it in October.

I stopped by the Wandering Wardrobe also to see if they had any new (used) books in. I think I cleaned them out last time... I did pick up Among the Barons by Margaret Peterson Haddix. Love her stuff! Even though this book is in the middle of the series, it's one I like, and one fewer I have to borrow from the library!