Introducing my new coblogger: Julie!

I've mentioned this a couple times before, but I am an adviser for a venture scout group called The Literati. We meet a couple times a month and discuss books and writing with a group of about 8 teenagers. It's so much fun! My friend, Julie, got me into the group last year and I've really had a blast helping this group of kids develop a love of reading. (I don't write fiction, so I mostly focus on getting awesome books into the hands of these kids).

Anyway, so Julie and I were talking the other day about our Literati blog. We both post reviews there, but we really want the blog to be all about the teens and letting them develop their own site. Julie didn't really want to start her own blog, so we decided it would be a fantastic idea to have her join me on my blog.

Julie and I both love books, but we have pretty different taste when it comes to the types of books we like. I have a really hard time with contemporary fiction. It just doesn't speak to me like sci-fi and fantasy does. But, Julie, being the awesome English teacher she is, totally gets contemporary fiction. This means that the reviews here are going to get a lot more diverse. Which is always a good thing. Homogeneity in reviews is lame.

So, here's a little bit about Julie. I hope all you wonderful readers will leave her some nice, welcoming comments!
Julie is a high school English teacher and has always been a reader and a writer. She's currently juggling 9th and 10th grade students, a 1 y/o daughter, and about 20 different ideas for her writing. She's very excited to contribute her reviews and can't wait to join Emily's blog family.