Friday Faves (3) Plus a Blog Hop

I saw two awesome posts this week on author signing etiquette with two different perspectives: the author and the reader. Spunk on a stick did the author's point of view. I am very happy to say that I have not committed any of the errors listed in her post. (phew!) Suey from It's All About Books gave her insight on what it's like to be a reader going to an author signing. I am so glad that she does some of the same things that I do at signings.

For those of you looking for someone to connect with in the book blogging world, Star Shadow is setting up a Book Blogging Buddy system. You'll get matched with another blogger in your country and area of interest. You can swap books, gifts, tips, etc. with your book blogging buddy. I definitely signed up and I hope you do too!

If you haven't already checked out my post earlier this week about the "Good Guys of YA Fiction," definitely do. There are some awesome comments. (And a picture of Christian Bale).

I'm combining this Friday Faves post with the book blogger hop.
If you're here from the hop, hello! Here are the blogs I visited last week:

Katie @Book Love

Also, I hope you guys all enter to win my giveaway that I'm posting first thing in the morning tomorrow. Believe me, this is something ANY lover of books will want to win.