It's Monday, What Are You Reading?'s Monday What Are You Reading is hosted by Shelia at One Person's Journey Through a World of Books

What a week! My first week back at work went well, I had two major work events this weekend but everything went smoothly.  I've got a lot of really awesome things planned for my blog in the next month. Seriously, it's going to be epic. But, it's taking all my free time to plan and organize.  I did manage to get a few things read though:

The Tension of Opposites by Kristina Mcbride: I'll get a review up sometime next week since the book comes out May 25.

The Amaranth Enchantment by Julie Berry: I'm working on a review now. It's been difficult since I've got mixed feelings about the book.

The Mermaid's Mirror by L.K. Madigan: I won't have a review posted on this until September sometime since it doesn't come out until October 4.

What's up for this week?
Shadow Hills by Anastasia Hopcus: I've got big plans for this ARC, so I've got to get it read this week!
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

Other items of blogging business
I'm helping to organize a fun week of events for those bloggers who aren't going to BEA this year.
Also, it's my blogiversary June 1st. I've got a lot of really awesome things in the works for it. I'm not ready to go into too many details, let's just say I've got over $150 in prizes lined up.

Oh, and it's Children's Book Week. Our library is doing a big bash on Saturday, and guess who is going to be there? Shannon Hale! So, I've got to plan on how to not be a total fan girl when I meet her. And, Mette Ivie Harrison will be there as well. I'm oh so excited!

So, whatcha reading this week?