Interview with Melissa from Book Nut

Welcome to Day 2 of the Armchair BEA goodness! Today is interview day, and I have an interview from Melissa from Book Nut. I have been following Melissa's blog for the last year, and I love it! One thing I love most about Melissa is how many books she checks out from the library. It's not all about ARC's and free books for her. Anyway, on to the interview!

Explain in a few sentences about your blog, how long you've been blogging, and about yourself
I'm a stay at home mom (with aspirations of getting a job here in the next year or so, when my youngest goes to kindergarten). I read.  A lot. (I also garden, play the piano, sometimes dabble in photography, and spend too much time on Facebook.) My blog is pretty much a record of what I read, which is really pretty much anything (except erotica). YA, Middle Grade, adult, non-fiction, fantasy, travel, classics, graphic novels... I've been running it (keeping it? writing it?) for five and a half years. But never, ever, in my wildest dreams, did I think keeping a blog would turn into... this!
Name one book you read in the last month that you loved and why.
(Good thing I have a blog to help out with this...)  I haven't put a review up of this yet (soon!), but I loved Griffin and Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence by Nick Bantock. Amazing in its conception: a story told in letters, with absolutely gorgeous artwork. weird, wild, wonderful.
Name a few books that will be coming out in the next 6 months that you would love to get your hands on
Mockingjay, Susan Collins (of course!). Other than that, I'm pretty much at a loss as to what will be published in the next six months. I'm trying not to notice; I'm SO far behind with my stacks, I'm not really accepting anything new right now. (And I keep checking books out from the library. What's with that?! I really think I can read all those??)
You are planning a dinner party and can invite two authors (living or dead) and three fictional characters, who do you choose? And what would you serve?
Mo Willems (he just seems like a very fun person to have over for dinner), John Green (fascinating to talk to), Razzo (from River Secrets; because he would be highly entertaining), Elizabeth Bennett (why not? She could keep up, I think), and Augie Hwong (from My Most Incredible Year). I would probably serve grilled burgers, homemade potato salad or pasta salad, some veggies and white bean and sage dip, with some good soda to wash it down. Homemade ice cream for dessert. (It is summer, after all.) 
If you were at BEA this year what 3 ARCs would you grab, and what 3 authors would you love to meet?

Authors are easy: Mo Willems, Mitali Perkins, and Sarah Pennypacker
ARCs: I don't know. I'd probably shove whatever looked interesting into a bag to take home
Gotta say, I'd definitely show up to Melissa's dinner party! Thanks Melissa for the interview and for your awesome blog!