Armchair BEA

So, it's no secret that I'm dying to go to BEA. I've wanted to since I learned what it was. In fact, I talk about going so much that during a game of Loaded Questions, my entire family guessed that my dream vacation would be to go to NYC during BEA. No joke.

But, I just couldn't make it this year. It's too hard to go on big trips with an infant.

That doesn't mean that I can't have some fun with fellow bloggers who are also staying home from the book prom. We're organizing the Armchair BEA event.  It will be during the same time as BEA (May 25-27), and we have some awesome things in the works.

Signups will be open for interested bloggers until May 21. If you want to sign up, fill out the form here.

Also, I've posted a poll on my sidebar. I'm thinking about changing my blog name. Emily's Reading Room sounds so dull and uncreative. But, everyone I've talked to says they like it. I'd like to know what you think. Please vote! Thanks!!