In My Mailbox 5/23

Slim pickin's this week folks. Narry a book was to be found in my mailbox. I guess because it's BEA next week, people aren't sending out much stuff. Can't say I blame them! But, I did pick up this beauty at Border's this week:

Ugh, I'm trying so hard not to judge this book by it's cover. I'm sorry, I'm just not a big fan of the puffy lips. But, I've heard the book is simply mahvelous, so I'm going to read it anyway. (And, my cover does not look like that, thankfully).

I also got some SWAG from Bree Despain and Kristin Walker to give away at the Armchair BEA Twitter party this Thursday. Don't forget to follow us with the hashtag #armchairBEA. We're going to have such a blast this week!

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren