Blogiversary Giveaway: Signed Wings and Spells

First, I want to announce the winner of the custom bookplate stamp by AsspocketProductions. picked number 33 which was:

Britt, Book Habitue!

Britt, I've emailed you to claim your prize!

Now, on to the giveaway

Aprilynne Pike did a signing a little while back, and I braved the crowds to get Wings and Spells signed. Seriously though, I had to bring my baby and she wasn't really on her best behavior. But, we survived. Aprilynne was so incredibly nice. She talked a little before the signing about her publication story. I have to say that I totally admire authors' perseverance. Hats off to you.

So, because I love you all so much, I'm giving away the signed copies of Wings and Spells to one very fortunate reader along with some cool Wings SWAG Because these books are both hardcover I have to keep this giveaway US only. Unless of course you have someone in the US that would be willing to ship your prize to you.

You know the drill. Fill out the form. And leave a comment. Tell me why you deserve this awesome prize. (Of course, the winner will be determined by, but good comments get good Karma).

This giveaway is open to US readers only! To enter, fill out the form below.
Giveaway ends June 16 12:00 AM MST.
Don't forget to enter all the other great Blogiversary Giveaways!