It's a Party!

 If you're reading this post in your email or reader, you're going to want to stop by the blog sometime today. It's got a new look!

One year ago today I started my book blog. I've been blogging in one way or another for about 5 years. But, my book blog is probably the one I am most proud of.

Emily's Reading Room has come a loooong way in the past year. My first review.... lousy... I don't even know what I was thinking. I figured out pretty quickly that I am no good at summarizing a book. I now rely on Goodreads for summaries and just give my thoughts.

I've blogged about how much I love the book blogging community before. Actually, I love the whole book community. This is probably the funnest hobby I've ever had.

So, to celebrate one year of great blogging, I have a giveaway a day for the entire month of June! And, it's going to be awesome. These aren't just books, but all kinds of book-related goodies. So, make sure you check back every day for a new giveaway. And, international readers, you are not forgotten. Many of these giveaways are open to international readers. The giveaways are not limited to the blog. Some days I'm going to give away things on Twitter or Facebook.

Prizes come from my bookshelves and from these talented Etsy sellers. Their buttons will be on the sidebar all month, and I highly encourage you to check them out.

Twilight Tammy

And, I wanted to give a plug to my blog designer. I've been wanting a new design for the longest time, but just haven't had the money to get it done. Or so I thought. I found A Blog to Brag About and knew that it was exactly what I was looking for.  She is totally affordable, and does a fantastic job, as you can see. So, happy birthday blog! You get a new look for your present!

As part of the package, I get a new button! I hope that you'll love it so much that you'll want to put it on your blog. If you do, leave me a comment so I know where to find it. And I'll grab yours in exchange!

Check back later today for the first giveaway!