Ask HTMiLy (1)

Welcome to a brand new feature at Emily's Reading Room. Here I'll give design tips, blogging advice, and answer your questions. This feature is similar to Kristi's Dear Story Siren and Never Ending Shelf's Design it Up!

So, the first topic today is how to put in pictures in blogger side by side. This is a feature that I wish blogger had, and I hope it does someday. It's a little complicated and involves hosting your pictures on another site, but it's doable, and looks pretty cool.

  1. In your "New Post" editor, click on the Edit HTML tab.
  2. Insert the following code into your editor:   
<center><table> <tbody><tr><td><img src="insert your jpg link here" border="0" /> </p></td> <td><img src="insert your jpg link here" border="0" /> </p></td></tr> </tbody></table></center>

     3.   Wherever you see "insert your jpg link here" is where you put the URL to wherever you've uploaded your pictures. I personally like to use All you do is copy and paste the code from the Direct Link line.

     4.  Click on preview and it should look something like this:

You can make your images whatever size you'd like on photo bucket. I'd recommend playing around a little with the sizes until you find one that works. (Personally, I think these are a little small).

So, that's how it's done. If you have any questions about the code or just can't get it to work, leave your question in the comments or send me an email. I'm happy to help.

Have a question for me? Fill out the box below and I might feature it in a future post! Remember these can be questions about anything related to blogging, not just design or HTML.