News and a Request

I received a call this morning that my grandfather passed away. It is a sad time for our family, but I know that he is in a better place. He was almost 90 years old, and in failing health so this wasn't wholly unexpected, but we were not expecting him to pass so quickly. But, it happened very quickly with little suffering and my mother was able to see him the night before and be with and my grandmother after he passed.

On that note, I will be traveling next week for the funeral and other events. Which means that I will have limited access to email and the internet. I apologize that the blogiversary activities will have to be put on hold for a time. I've got some posts scheduled, and things should continue to run pretty smoothly around here despite my absence. But, I am looking for some interested people (authors or bloggers) to do some guest posting for the week that I am gone. If you are interested, send me an email at I'll need the posts by tomorrow (Friday) Sunday evening.

Thank you so much for your support and understanding.