Sea Wolf [Review]

Written by: David Miller.
Published by: Oxford University Press.
Format: Paperback.
Released: 7th January 2010.
Rating: 4/5.

Official synopsis: "HUNTED. TRAPPED. DESPERATE. Shipwrecked after a ferocious storm, Hanna, Ned and Jik come face to face with a murderous foe. They must escape or die. But how do you outrun a bullet . . . Or out swim a shark?

Sea Wolf is the sequel to Shark Island which I absolutely loved (you can read my review here) and so when I was offered the chance to review this, I jumped at it. And boy was I pleased I did!

Sea Wolf is even more jam-packed full of adventure, danger and bad guys than Shark Island was, and there was plenty to begin with! I was gripped to each and every page, and read it faster than i read Shark Island.

Miller definitely doesn't disappoint with this sequel. It just as, if not more, engaging than the first book. He continues to share his knowledge of the world, little tidbits about the lands, survival tactics.

There are storms. Shipwrecks. And sharks! This book reminded me of my fear of Jaws as a kid. Truly terrifying in some places. More cliff hangers and tension than a reader can dream of. And we get to learn more about the characters.

It's gotten me very very excited for the next book in the series, Leopard's Claw, which publishes next month! Thank you very much to the amazing Michelle Harrison at OUP for sending me the copy! And isn't that cover art amazing? Blue is my favourite colour, and this definitely stands out.