Bloggiesta Wrap Up!

What a productive weekend! I was able to get a lot of things done with my blog that I had been meaning to do for awhile.

Here are the mini-challenges I participated in:

Kim and Jackie at the Blog Improvement Project (@kimthedork and @farmlanebooks): Long-term and short term blogging goals. Having some ideas of where to go with the blog have made it easier for me to come with ideas for posts.

Jennifer at Girls Gone Reading (@girlsgonereadin): I updated my review policy to reflect the types of review copies I prefer to receive. I also updated the stats on my advertising policy.

Pam from MotherReader (@MotherReader): I got out of my comfort zone and emailed a few authors that I admire and asked them for a guest post. I don't know if anything will come of it, but it was something I had been meaning to do for awhile.

Danielle at There’s a Book (@the1stdaughter): I took a look at my google analytics. I've had it on my site for awhile, but it's been so complicated, I haven't tried figuring it out. But, I looked at a lot of the other stats, including bounce rate and tried to determine what types of content works best on my site.

One note of interest. I tried doing domain masking on my site this weekend, but it turns out that if you do that, you can't take your favicon with you. (At least not if you bought your domain through GoDaddy like I did.) I even called the tech support people to try and get it to work.

But, I did update my reviews by title and authors pages. If you are looking for a specific review, check out those pages. (They took a lot of work!)

I also updated my Goodreads reviews. I made a lot more bookshelves, and updated the ratings. I didn't get around to linking up my reviews yet, but that will be done over the course of the next week.

I made review posts templates for books that I'm still reading. This will allow me to just write my review and post it. Because I'm such a scatterbrain, I often forget important links or information in my review posts when I do them quickly.

A couple of you asked about doing a blog analysis. I'm going to do a "Ask HTMiLy" post about it in a couple weeks, so be watching for it.

Thanks to Natasha at Maw Books for hosting such a great event! I got a lot done, and had fun meeting a lot of new bloggers.