I Miss The Good Old Days...The Ones I Never Knew

Well, I think I've hit a love-life-brick-wall. I look at some of these dates that I've had and find I can laugh with fate--Thank goodness God blessed me with the family humor gene.  Seriously, what else can I do? Cry? Moan? Whine? Nah, not my style.

I just brush it off and keep on moving. But there are moments when things test your level of tolerance when it comes to this looking-for-love stuff.

Case in point: Mr. Bo Tangles apparently believes he was nothing but a perfect gentleman. When I told him that I just don't think it will work, he said, "Well, can we at least have one night of crazy, hot sex?"

God, help me. If it wasn't so pathetically irritating, it would be laughable. And perhaps I will laugh...tomorrow. I mean, he asked me for sex. Really? For real? So, he's a controlling horn-ball. Fabulous.

Is this all that's out there nowadays? Is this really as good as it gets?

I love watching old movies to escape today. Now, I know there were problems back in the day, but no one can convince me they were anything on the level of what we are dealing with today. A moment ago, an Amber Alert flashed across a news station. My parents talk about how they could walk to a friend's house, to school, to town, and not worry that someone is going to threaten them, hurt them. What the hell happened to that feeling? It's a feeling I've never known. When I was 12 years old, I was nearly abducted, not more than a few houses from my backdoor...in an otherwise extremely safe neighborhood and town. I got away, hiding in the garage of a neighbor's house. I can't possibly describe the fear running through my veins, but it's a feeling I have never forgotten.

Now, as a grown woman, I have to worry about things far more serious than some kooky dates; we always have to keep an eye on our surroundings, who is around us; constant vigilance is required to live in this world.

Take a trip back with me for a minute. Come with me to a time where the films were free of foul language and intense sex scenes (and, truthfully, do you really miss it when you watch them?); where the women were elegant and the men chivalrous; where humor didn't require obscene gestures or the f-bomb in every other sentence.

Now, please don't mistake me, I'm not a simpleton--I swear from time to time (Cowboys are my Achilles heel); and you won't hear me complain if Johnny Depp decides to strip down in a film.

I'm simply saying I miss the times I never knew. It would be nice to feel 100% safe day in and day out; it would be nice to go on a date with a man and have it be...normal...without feeling the pressure of having to address the sex thing, which is always around the third date. It would be nice to go on a date with a man who doesn't then ask for at least one night of hot sex. That's not the way it's supposed to be...it just isn't.

So, travel with me for a minute and tell me you don't feel even the slightest sense of longing for what you never knew. All you have to do is watch and listen to the end of White Christmas. "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas..."