Why Wednesday: Why Not Drag Him Along Through The Holidays?

Must make certain I get the quote exactly as presented to me:

Self-proclaimed guru on "hooking" men said: "You know, you could just let a guy think he's going to get some. Just for the holidays. Why not, you know? Just keep putting it off. At least you could say you had someone for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve, and Valentine's Day."

Now, this suggestion came in two variations:

Tell him up front about my virginity (because he will understand the need to give me time and his inner ego will still desire to "deflower" the virgin)


Keep it a secret for a time, continue to tell him I'm not ready, and when he looks like he's going to bail, then tell him.  According to the self-proclaimed guru, this method will keep him on the hook for at least another month (apparently, he will still have hope of "nailing the virgin.").

Um...I may be wrong, but isn't this the very definition of "prick tease?" Yeah, I don't do that.

And why is it so catastrophic for a girl (or guy) to be single for the holidays? I'm not saying it's easy, but it's not the end of the world.

Thanksgiving = family, food, and football. (and the parade)

Christmas = spending time with family, decorating, reliving holiday memories, eating loads of pastries, watching holiday classics, listening to merry music. Oh, and the gifts...even if they are from you to you. Notice I list gifts last...honestly, I'd be just as happy on that day if there were no presents at all.

New Year's Eve = admittedly, it sucks to be single on NYE. I always find something to do, whether it's to watch a marathon of my very favorite shows or movies or just hanging with the family. I never go out unless I have a date--blame the kiss-at-midnight-thing.

Vomit, er, Valentine's Day = I have absolutely no use for it. Why do we need a day to tell someone how much we care? Shouldn't that be an everyday-kind-of thing? My tradition? I treat myself to something I absolutely love. Basically, I have declared February 14th a "me day."

So, yes, I'd love to have someone during the major holidays, but I'm not crying in my eggnog. And I'm certainly not going to be some tart and tease a man just to say I had someone on said holidays--that's just plain rude, not to mention lame.