Merry Christmas

Hey everyone!

So as I feared I haven't had much time to come on. Things have been so hectic with work and getting ready for Christmas! But I have time off now until 4th January so in between Christmas and New Year there is lots of stuff to come! Reviews, Charts of 2010, all sorts! It's going to be fun. I hope! Haha.

Anyway, the point of this is to wish all of my amazing followers, both here on the blog and on Twitter a very very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

2010 has been kind of a bitter-sweet one for me. Lots of good but also the fair share of bad, and I for one cannot wait to see what 2011 holds personally and in the literary world. I've already read some amazing 2011 books (Entangled by Cat Clarke being one!) and have received a few more that are very exciting and I cannot wait to read!

So yeah, Merry Christmas everyone and a very Happy New Year. I hope everyone has a great day and keeps safe! And I hope good old Father Christmas brings you something nice too! ;)


(P.S. Sorry the decorations are up so late! Blegh! Oh well! They're here now! :))