What If Wednesday: What If He's Married?

"What if the man you are meant to be with is married? Sometimes you can't control who you fall in love with."

Yes, this is one I've heard. This question naturally came from a woman who has been in love with a married man, had an affair with him, effectively aided in breaking up his marriage, bore his child, then ended up dumped shortly thereafter.

For me, the answer is simple: If he is married, he was never meant to be with me in the first place. If a man is married, I look the other way; frankly, if a man is even dating someone, I look the other way. Married men, boyfriends, men who are dating someone, are simply not options.

I respect marriage vows, even if they are not my own. Likewise, I would never encroach on another woman's relationship, no matter how open or serious it may be. It all kind-of goes back to that golden rule.

So, to recap, if he's married, he was not the one meant to be with me. If he's in a relationship on any level, he's off limits. Free and clear and single--that's the motto. That's just how my mama raised me...and it's what I believe is right.