Wow... No Way

Hi guys!

Yes! I am still here! I haven't forgotten about you! I finally got my new laptop and when I haven't been working I've been busy setting it up and doing other things (like works Christmas Party this past weekend which was amazing... I got a little bit tipsy... Nuff said!). I really feel like I've been neglecting EoB and that is not the way I want 2010 to go out! So I am going to do my best to make sure that things pick up around here! 

And now I've just found out that we've hit the 100 follower mark! :D You have no idea how happy this makes me! When I first started EoB back in February I had no idea that anyone other than me would give a rats. So thank you thank you thank you! I am going to hold a contest, but it probably won't be till next month (January) as most of this months wages are gone already... Oops! Haha! But yeah. Reviews and stuff all coming up. 

There'll also be charts. Top 10 Books of the Year, Top 10 Covers of the Year and maybe another one or two if I can think of any! Haha! It's coming up to that time of the year again and this weekend I will be sorting out the Christmas decorations to put up. ;) Exciting times ahead and I hope next year is just as good! The big first Blogerversary coming up! Argh!

Thanks for sticking by me guys! Look out for lots of new content next week! :)
