I'm Funny!!! It's Award Time!

The LOL Award: My sleepless day was totally made yesterday when the wonderful PencilGirl left me a wonderful award on her blog. On top of that, she thinks I'm kinda funny! Yay!!! I'm convinced humor is the cure-all for dealing with jackholes.

 Rules: 1. Thank and link to the blogger who gave you this award (see above); 2. Pass this award to seven fellow bloggers who make you giggle: Sandra; Aunt of 14; Simple Dude; Rebekah; Alessandra; Yvonne; Drew; Jewels;
The Mad Fat Girl

3. Reveal 7 unknown things about yourself.

a. My eyes appear to change color from their normal blue. If I cry or have watery eyes, they look aqua; if I wear green, they look very green.

b. I used to have the biggest crush on Zack Morris (Saved By The Bell).

c. French Music/Latin Music: Love both. Sometimes, I just put on a salsa beat and cut loose; other times, I chill to some relaxing French music.

d.  My favorite Broadway show is Phantom of the Opera. The music caught my ear when I was about seven years old--loved it ever since. Every time I hear That's All I Ask Of You, I cry.

e.  I'm a total believer in jinxing your teams. When I was in high school, I, on occasion, would make "Go Cowboys" signs for game day. Every time I made the sign, they lost (which wasn't often because they won the Super Bowl in those days). So, to this day, I refuse to make signs, hang banners, or wear anything related to my Cowboys on game day. In fact, this holds true across the board. If the Cowboys are playing, I wear a Texas Longhorns shirt; when the Longhorns are playing, I wear an LSU shirt; when LSU plays, I wear a Cowboys shirt, etc. Works pretty well unless your team is just total rubbish for a season, then it doesn't really matter. I love my teams too much to risk jinxing them.

f.  My favorite flower is the daisy--they remind me of a smiling sunshine. I just love them...and pink roses.

g. I can't stand for my feet or hands to hang off the edge of my bed. Dunno why. Maybe it goes back to when I was little and believed the monster dwelling under the bed would grab them. ;)

Tomorrow's the big day! Guest blogger over at Jewel's blog!!!!! :)