I've made some minor changes to some things around the blog this weekend. You may or may not notice it, but I wanted to bring a few things to your attention.
- Starting this week, the format of reviews is changing. I am going to begin including the publisher information and page count. Also, I will have links to each author's twitter, website, and/or facebook page. This will allow you to connect more with authors that you are interested in.
- As well as adding new information to reviews, I will be changing a little of the way they look. I am hoping the new changes will make them more aesthetically pleasing.
- I've been able to get my email inbox situation under control. I plan to reply more to your comments whenever I'm able. If you are using a blogger account, I suggest you enable your email so that I can reply directly to your comments. (link to tutorial on Housewife Eclectic). If your email is enabled, there is a very good chance you'll get a reply from me on your fantastic comments.
- A look back at my history of posts revealed that I am becoming quite stale in my content (at least in my opinion). So, in the coming months, I will be adding more discussion posts, author interviews, and guest posts. In fact, if you are interested in doing a guest post, send me an email.
- Want to see a full list of what I did (and didn't) accomplish? Check out my first bloggiesta post.
Okay, I haven't done one of these forever, and if I listed all the books that I've acquired since November, this would be the longest post ever. So, I'm sticking to the books that I've received in the last couple weeks.
For Review:
From Paperback Swap:
From Library Book Sale:
On the Banks of Plum Creek
The Actor and the Housewife
Water for Elephants
Rebel Angels
The Giver
The Sea of Trolls
Dragon's Milk
Wicked Lovely
The Looking Glass Wars
Fever 1793
Over Sea, Under Stone
Across the Universe
If you've made it this far in this post, bravo. Sorry it was kind of dry, but I figured I may as well get it all over with in one post rather than dragging it out through several. Thank you as always for reading. You guys rock!