Acquaintance She-Beast: "I don't understand why you're comfortable being a joke."
Me: "I didn't realize I was a joke."
Acquaintance She-Beast: "Oh, come on. You're a virgin in your 30s. Of course people are laughing behind your back. I do. Instead of poor you, I like to say pure you." She laughs.
Honestly, was that funny at all? On the joke scale, I'm thinking it's pretty lame.
Me: "Well, laughing is good for the heart, right? I'm just doing my part for mankind."
Acquaintance She-Beast: "I'm just trying to be a friend."
Me: "Ooooh, so that's what you're trying to be. Totally thought you were channeling something else."
Acquaintance She-Beast, missing it completely: "You're welcome." Did I thank her? "Now, you know it's a New Year?"
Me: "Yes, that much I am aware of."
Acquaintance She-Beast: "It's time to stop people laughing at you. Let's make a plan to get you laid. Shouldn't be tough. We just have to get you over this love thing."
Me, after a moment's pause: "Did you make any New Year's resolutions?"
Acquaintance She-Beast: "I never do, why?"
Why doesn't that surprise me?
Me: "Might want to consider making a few dozen"
Not sure she even got it, but I sure felt better.
Here's what: If people are laughing at me, let 'em! I really just don't care. Besides, I laugh at myself all the time. I'm not trying to live my life the way other people think I should live it--nobody should live like that because that's not really living at all.
Laugh on! :)