Blogger Confidential: Internet Regret

Have you ever been faced with an issue while reading or blogging and thought: I wonder what other bloggers think about this?  No matter what genre or audience you blog for, we all face the same problems.  Are you a publisher or author wondering what goes on in a blogger's (and by extension a reader's) head?

Blogger confidential is a series of 12 questions asked to 11 bloggers about the nitty gritty details of blogging. Everything from what prompts a blogger to pick up a book, to what happens when a book doesn't live up to its hype.  This series was inspired by Wastepaper Prose's Author Insight series.

If you feel inspired by any of these questions, leave your answer in the comments, or create your own post!

This week's question:

Things posted on the internet last forever, and we’ve all posted or said something on Twitter that we later regret. Have you ever written something on your blog or twitter that you have regretted? And what did you do about it?

"I don’t usually run into that issue with my blog, but it has happened a few times on Twitter. It’s easy to forget just how many people see each and everything that you say or respond to! Luckily, I haven’t said anything too detrimental, but there have been times when I’m frustrated at another blogger and I’ll say something snarky. Never anything to the person and I would never name names for all to see, but I still should have kept the drama to myself. The few times that this has occurred, I’ve deleted the tweet and moved on. I think that’s the best policy. Stop the drama in its tracks, learn from it, and move on." Sara from The Hiding Spot

"I agonize over negative reviews. I hate the thought that the author might read them and feel bad. But I cannot sugarcoat my reactions and I refuse to post a review that is anything less than my honest opinion. So I don’t regret anything that I’ve written, but I certainly don’t relish posting the negative reviews." Angie from Angieville

"I try not to let this happen to me, by sitting on important, potentially controversial posts for days and days, writing a little each day and editing until I am truly satisfied. Even then, I might miss something, in which case I'll just correct it when someone points it out to me, acknowledging the person who brought it to my attention. I've said stupid things on Twitter before, sure, but nothing I think I've been remorseful for, nothing I can't wallow over and then get over as a typical mistake that we, being human beings, make." Steph from Steph Su Reads

"I learned that lesson back in 2006. While I am one of the people who will
say something harsh, I never regret my words now." Pam from Bookalicious

"There was one time where I wrote something that I regretted. Just because something is TRUE doesn't mean is should be said. I instantly apologized to the person I offended and removed my comment (the incident happened in a forum). Since I can get riled up pretty easily, I try to tell my husband about things I do, because he's a good meter as far as whether I've gone over the line or not." Trish from Hey Lady! Whatcha Reading

"Yes.  I don't think I've really posted anything on my blog that I regret, but I have definitely posted things on Twitter that I regret.  In fact, what I posted related directly to another person and led to a complicated situation.  I was able to make amends to this person, however, and we got past it." Amy from My Friend Amy

"I am not sure if I have ever posted anything that I have regretted. But I am sure that I have made comments that are not popular with everyone. My best advice to those that are worried about making a mistake is this... First, own up to it. We are all human. We make mistakes, but in my opinion, it is important to own up to it. If you act like you have done nothing wrong, then sometimes that makes things even worse. Second, do something about it. It might surprise you, but an apology often times goes a long way. Third, think before you post or say something. If you want to write something, but have ANY doubts about what you are going to say... then it probably something that is best left unsaid. It is also very important to think about who is viewing what you say. Reviews, blog posts, tweets, Facebook comments... these are all things that are viewable to most everyone. And who do you think is looking at these... other bloggers, readers, authors, publishers... the list goes on and on."  Kate from The Neverending Shelf

"Do you know what?  I can't think of anything that I've written on the internet that I've regretted.  I do admittedly, censor myself pretty well to begin with.  One small misspoken word or conversation can topple years of building a reputation.  Always think before you speak." Natasha from Maw Books

"Yes.  This is the mistake that I keep on making.  I am an honest person.  I don't tend to fence sit in order not to hurt feelings etc but I am usually civil.  The most important thing to do if someone is upset with you or takes issue to something you've said is to listen to them.  Listen and put yourself in their shoes.  Correct the situation if you can.  It's different for every situation but listening to the other side is the most important, whether or not you agree with what they are saying or how they approach you. Treat it as a learning opportunity." Adele from Persnickety Snark

"I haven't yet.  There are definitely things that sparked debate, but I like debate as long as it's done tastefully and without being harsh or angry.  I actually got into a pretty heated debate with an author on Twitter, but because I was nice with my replies and explained my position, she eventually said she appreciated my opinion, even if she wasn't sure she agreed with it.  I don't think there's anything wrong with having an opinion that isn't mainstream, as long as you're open-minded about others' opinions and thoughts and can respond graciously!" Andye from Reading Teen

"Absolutely. Facebook. I apologized and after a day or two of beating myself up, I let it go and learned to mind my words. I'm sure I'll still mess up again at some point, but I just do my best and try to pay attention to what I'm typing." Danielle from There's a Book