A Virgin's Tale About Her Dallas Mavericks

Last night, I nervously watched my Dallas Mavericks break a depressing losing streak against none other than the Los Angeles Lakers. HUGE win...a win of massive proportions...we're talking enormous. Think you get it. Three words: Welcome Back, Dirk.

Anyway, after watching the game, I couldn't help but think about the ONE time I could have actually seen them play.

I was in professional school. The bigwigs my friend interned for had a private box at the American Airlines Center where the Mavs play. One evening, she called and asked if I would like to go to the game later that night.

ACTUALLY SEE MY MAVERICKS PLAY!!!  Could this be real?! Could one of my dreams ACTUALLY come true?

Hyperventilating ensued...before the second shoe dropped. There's always a second shoe when it comes to dreams, isn't there?

The conversation went a little something like this:

Friend: "Um, there's something you should know about tonight. My bosses are entertaining some really important business associates from Chicago."

Me: "Okay..."

Friend: "Well, they asked me to invite one of my friends...a 'pretty one.'"

Me, more than a little uncomfortable: "Uh-huh..."

Friend: "They kind-of want us to entertain the men coming in."

Me: "Exactly what do they mean by 'entertain?'"

Friend: "Oh, nothing like that. Just talk to them, maybe flirt a little."

A conditional dream come true--how could I not predict something like this? I felt completely deflated. When I watch my teams play, I'm there to support and cheer for MY TEAM, not be some guy's little barbie doll who will bat her eyes and giggle like a moron at everything he says.

I had a choice: Go and be someone I'm not or go and be who I am, potentially risking any opportunity my friend may have at a job offer.

I couldn't do it. I couldn't go watch my Mavericks just to not watch my Mavericks. And I knew what would happen--I'd go, WATCH the game, which means barely making an effort to "entertain" the men, and end up hurting her chances for a job offer.

Me, with a heavy heart: "You know, I wish I could go, but I really need to work on this paper."

Friend: "Are you sure? We'd still have fun!"

Me: "Yeah, I'm sure. Besides, I'm afraid I wouldn't show very well for you--I would probably come off rude because I would want to watch the game and wouldn't be as sociable as they would like.  You know me and sports."

She went to the game; I stayed home and watched on television...and worked on my paper. Thrilling. As I recall, I saw more of the game on television than she did actually being there.

The one time I could have seen them play and my dang principles had go and get in the way.  I just couldn't see myself flirting it up, being someone I'm not. I've never done things just to get things I may want. So, I reckon, I can be proud of that...still...it hurts to know I was THAT close to seeing my Mavs and Mark Cuban--love how much he loves the Mavs. I mean, how many opportunities like that actually fall in your lap?

I'm watching them battle Chicago right now...from my recliner...while researching.  The lack of change in my life is glaring.

Maybe one day I'll have another chance...for now, it's all about cheering Dallas to a win. GO MAVERICKS!

UPDATE: Mavs lost, but they played a great game.