Now That Devil-Nose Is Open For Business...

...I can smell again, which, of course, means a 3 a.m. panic when what smelled like something burning reached my nostrils. I was utterly terrified. I ran everywhere, trying to find the source of the smell, but I found absolutely nothing. Could it have been someone's fireplace? I dunno. It was freaky. Really, really freaky. I didn't sleep at all--just sat up watching tv, trying to do some work, while acting as watcher for the house.

So, because my brain is totally scattered right now, this post will be totally random.

1. Soda confession: Yeah. I had the soda. It tasted so darn good. It was like liquid candy. I'm back on the water now. Reckon one soda isn't too bad. Strangely, the water tastes better than it did prior to the soda. Go figure.

2. As a Dallas Cowboys fan, gotta tell ya, not thrilled over the Super Bowl this year. Personally, if the Cowboys couldn't be in it, I would have liked to see the Jets and Atlanta/Saints/Bears battle it out in Cowboys' Stadium. Instead, we have two teams that have impacted my Cowboys in very, very negative ways over the years. Anyone heard of the Ice Bowl? Yeah. I wasn't even born yet, but I think I started hearing that story when I was in the womb. Super Bowl. Sigh.

3. Say Yes To The Dress and The Single Sandwich: While channel surfing, I stumbled across that TLC show, Say Yes To The Dress, and it reminded me of something I saw last fall/early winter. Imagine being a single woman watching a show about other women getting married and shopping for dresses.  Now, imagine the show going to a commercial break. What kind of commercial would you expect? Some random diet commercial, maybe? How about one of those jewelry commercials? They would fit the theme right?

Now, imagine suddenly hearing the original version of All By Myself as the camera focuses in on a lonely sandwich on a plate. Oh, I'm not kidding. Weddings--marriage--wedding gowns...and a commercial that blares All By Myself while featuring food.

What marketing/advertising genius came up with that little gem? What idiot thought it would be a good idea to air an ad featuring THAT song during a show about wedding dresses? Seriously. Absolute idiot.

4. Delusional people: I don't get them. We're talking people who think they are seriously famous when all they are known for is getting drunk and acting trashy. Suppose it doesn't help that they are awarded with book deals, spokesperson gigs, etc. Really, I don't get it. It's scary to hear how many delusional folks are in this world.

5.  Wasn't: For the first time, I didn't play his game. In the past, I oftentimes unwittingly played, hoping it would lead to a solid friendship, at the very least. Since retiring from the game, I have to admit...I feel great. It's like a huge weight has been lifted and I can breathe again.

Uh, yeah, so my brain just kinda stopped thinking. Clearly, the lack of sleep and serious stress from last night/early this morning is catching up with me.

I'll just leave you with a good, upbeat Monday-kind-of song. Groove a little--feel happy.