The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner: Review

Synopsis: (From Goodreads)
"I can steal anything."
After Gen's bragging lands him in the king's prison, the chances of escape look slim. Then the king's scholar, the magus, needs the thief's skill for a seemingly impossible task -- to steal a hidden treasure from another land.

To the magus, Gen is just a tool. But Gen is a trickster and a survivor with a plan of his own.

Julie's Review:

After finally reading the first book in the series (the 4th is now released), I can't say enough good things about this set of books. I couldn't stop at The Thief and continued on to read the other three. I've since read that Turner plans on at least 2 more in the series. Lucky us! However, don't be afraid of starting an unfinished series. Like many of you, I don't usually like jumping into a series if I know I'll have a long wait before the next novel comes, but this series is different. Each book truly does stand on its own, with a satisfying conclusion and complete storyline. That said, here's what I loved about the first book.

Eugenides, the titular Thief, is a masterful character. Whining, complaining, never having enough to eat, Gen is every bit the scraggly thief he appears to be. However, there is so much going on beneath his appearance that discovering the layers of Gen's personality is part of the fun of the book. In fact, all of Turner's characters are well-developed. Each is a complex person with hidden motives, desires, and dreams. There aren't really any 'stand-in' characters. I get the idea that if a character didn't have a purpose within the story and a reason to be worth fleshing out, Turner simply didn't write them in.

Another aspect of the story that was engaging was the setting. Based on Greek culture and landscape, the story incorporates clear, traditional elements of Greece and its mythological system; however, Turner gives it a spin by setting the time period somewhere near the 1500's. With watches and firearms, it's a bit of a different Greece than we typically read about. Also, while the Gods in the story will seem familiar to us, they are entirely Turner's creation. In fact, she goes so far as to have characters relate stories of the creation or the Gods' and Goddesses' adventures. These are a gem inside of an already delightful story.

I do admit that I find it hard to give a clear review of the book because I don't want to give Turner's secrets away. One of the things I admire about her as a writer is her ability to leave some mystery for the reader. I'm used to books that show their hand to the reader and limit the suspense to making us wonder about how other characters will react once the secret is out. Instead, Turner does a tremendous job at leaving some things unsaid. The omissions are subtle, and not going to distract you from the story, but give her the chance to pleasantly surprise the reader with a few good revelations at the end of the story. That surprise of revelation is a sweet and rare gift that I think many readers will appreciate.

While I highly recommend this book, I do look at books from an educator's point of view and would like to mention that reluctant readers who lack finely-tuned reading skills might not enjoy the book quite as much as I did. Some of the pleasure comes in the subtle hints left by Turner and readers with weaker inference skills might find the beginning a little slow if they are missing out on the layering of the story and characters. However, this is an excellent adventure story that will draw in your readers if you can get them to buy into the promise of the story and give the beginning a little time to develop.

Julie's Rating:

Profanity: None
Sexuality: None
Drugs and Alcohol: None
Violence: Mild

Author's Website:

Blogiversary Giveaway: The Meadow

I love Hunger Games inspired stuff! (As evidenced by the three giveaways related to The Hunger Games). Today's giveaway is....

Ultimately, I am team Katniss. And I suspect that in Mockingjay we are going to find out that Katniss ends up with neither of the two love interests. But, I have a special place in my heart for Peeta. Here's the description of this bracelet from The Meadow's shop.

The Hunger Games is one of my most favorite books! I can't wait to find out who Katniss ends up with...Peeta or Gale.

Show that you're Team Peeta wearing this adorable cupcake bracelet.

We all know about Peeta Mellark's frosting and baking skills, and also that he's a stud muffin:) That's why this cupcake bracelet is so perfect to represent Team Peeta!

This gorgeous, sparkling cupcake is composed of Swarovski Crystal elements and hangs from a silver plated chain with a clear, Swarovski Crystal accent near the lobster claw clasp.

Bracelet measures approximately 7.5 inches but can be adjusted to your needs!
Fill out the form below and leave me a nice comment.

Ask HTMiLy (2): Menus and Sidebars

Okay, you guys asked for some more cool design tips, so I've got two things for you: drop-down menus and scrolling sidebars.

Drop-down menus are really cool, but also pretty complicated. You really have to have a basic understanding of HTML code in order to get them to work properly. To get a real basic overview of how html code works, I suggest you check out this post by the How-To Gal. Now, on to the drop down menu.

In blogger, you're going to want to add an html/javascript widget from the Design menu. Then, you get to enter in some code. What follows below is the code that I use for my blog header. It was originally designed by my blog designer A Blog to Brag About. I have tweaked it a little since she installed it and added my own links and such. Each color is a different menu item.

<div style="position:absolute; margin-top:-32px; margin-left:210px; text-align:center;"><ul id="nav">
<li class="top"><a href="" class="top_link"><span>Home</span></a></li>
<li class="top"><a href="#" class="top_link"><span>About</span></a>
<ul class="sub">
<li><a href="">About Me</a></li>
<li><a href="">Review Policy</a></li>
<li><a href="">Advertise</a></li>
<li><a href="">Contact</a></li>
<li class="top"><a href="#" class="top_link"><span>Reviews</span></a>
<ul class="sub">
<li><a href="">By Author</a></li>
<li><a href="">By Title</a></li>
<li><a href="">3 Stars</a></li>
<li><a href="">4 Stars</a></li>
<li><a href="">5 Stars</a></li>
<li class="top"><a href="#" class="top_link"><span>Features</span></a>
<ul class="sub">
<li><a href="">In My Mailbox</a></li>
<li><a href="">It's Monday!</a></li>
<li><a href="">Teaser Tuesday</a></li>
<li class="top"><a href="" class="top_link"><span>Awards</span></a></li></li></li></li></ul></div>

So, if you replace the names and links in the code I've given you there, you should have a functioning menu bar. If you want to add more things on the top, all you have to do is add this line of code:

<li class="top"><a href="" class="top_link"><span>NAME OF LINK</span></a></li>

If you want to add a menu item with sub-menu items in it, use this code:

<li class="top"><a href="#" class="top_link"><span>NAME OF LINK</span></a>
<ul class="sub">
<li><a href="">Submenu Item</a></li>
<li><a href="">Submenu Item</a></li>
<li><a href="">Submenu Item</a></li>
<li><a href="">Email address</a></li>

I hope that makes at least a little sense. If you can't get it to work, let me know in the comments and I'll try to get it to work for you.

Now, a scrolling marquee with blog buttons. This is one of my favorite things. I LOVE blog buttons. But, I just don't have enough space on my sidebars to display them all. A scrolling marquee widget is the perfect solution.

<marquee scrolldelay="100" behavior="scroll" direction="up" onmouseover="if (this.stop) { this.stop() }" scrollamount="2" onmouseout="if (this.start) { this.start() }" height="600"><center>ENTER BUTTON CODES HERE</center></marquee>

Here's what this code means. The scrolldelay is how fast your marquee is going to go. You can change it in increments of 100 the higher the number the faster the scroll. You can also change the height of the marquee to as short or tall as you'd like. Play around with the options to see what you like best. What I like about this code is that when people mouse over your buttons, they will stop scrolling. Make sure to grab my button to put on your sidebar! Happy button collecting!

If you have a question or topic you'd like to be covered in Design HTMiLy, please fill out the form below.

Blogiversary Giveaway: Mixology Makeup

One of the paranormal romances that I have really enjoyed is The Dark Divine. In fact, I helped Bree Despain with her Street Team promoting the book. And, I'm going to have a character named after me in the sequel The Lost Saint.  All I have to say is that if my character is a whiner, I'm coming after you Bree!

So, today's giveaway is provided by Mixology Makeup. Mixology is the healthy makeup alternative that will help improve the quality of your skin giving you a radiant look without damaging ingredients! Pure Mineral Makeup FREE of bismuth, chemicals, synthetic dyes, parabens, & preservatives. Vegan friendly, virtually water resistant, perfect for sensitive skin with acne or rosacea. Won't clog pores so your skin can breathe!

Mixology Makeup has a Dark Divine inspired collection, which is what you could win! All you have to do is fill out the form below.

Claire De Lune by Christine Johnson: Review

Claire De Lune
By: Christine Johnson
Book Received from Simon Pulse for review

Synopsis (From Goodreads): 
Torn between two destinies?

Claire is having the perfect sixteenth birthday. Her pool party is a big success, and gorgeous Matthew keeps chatting and flirting with her as if she's the only girl there. But that night, she discovers something that takes away all sense of normalcy: she's a werewolf.

As Claire is initiated into the pack of female werewolves, she must deal not only with her changing identity, but also with a rogue werewolf who is putting everyone she knows in danger. Claire's new life threatens her blossoming romance with Matthew, whose father is leading the werewolf hunt. Now burdened with a dark secret and pushing the boundaries of forbidden love, Claire is struggling to feel comfortable in either skin. With her lupine loyalty at odds with her human heart, she will make a choice that will change her forever?

My Review: I want to start this review off on a good note. So, this book had a beautiful cover. It represented and captured the story beautifully. The dark tones of the cover mimic the dark tones of the book. The moon half-covered reflects Claire's uncertainty of who she is and where she belongs.

Claire was a very typical teenage girl. Her interests are in boys, friends, fitting in, and trying to have a relationship with her mother. Beyond that, she really doesn't care about much else. But, I think this makes her a character that many teenage girls would relate to. Her relationship with Matthew progresses very naturally and was written very well. Unfortunately, that is the only relationship that held any water with me.

I didn't like the concept of only women being werewolves. Mostly because it makes no biological sense. Ana from The Book Smugglers mentioned this in her review, and I have to agree. If you have only female werewolves, but yet you must mate with male humans to produce babies, eventually the "werewolf" gene would become so diluted that they would cease to exist. Let me illustrate this:

Werewolf female + Human male = Male human (miscarries) or female werewolf (now having 1/2 human genes from her father).

1/2 werewolf female + human male = male human (miscarries) or 1/4 female werewolf

See where I'm going with this? Eventually they would have so few werewolf genes left that you would just have a girl that has to shave more often during the full moon. The only way they could reproduce with purity is to clone themselves, and then they'd all look exactly alike. Not something that would work out so well if you were trying to stay on the down low.

Aside from the biological impossibility of an only female species, the cultural aspects really got under my skin. Again, I agree with Ana from Book Smugglers on this. Why in the world must you keep your daughters in the dark about their identity? In the world that Christine Johnson created, everyone knows that werewolves exist, so there just really isn't a lot to lose. Instead you drop a bombshell on their 16th birthday informing them that they can't date or have real relationships with humans. Oh, but don't worry, having a "pack" that you've never met before and can't relate to will make up for it. In a sort of bizarre way, this reminds me of mothers not talking to their daughters about puberty and all the changes that take place during adolescence so as not to "scare them." As if leaving them to figure it out themselves would be a much better alternative.

All that aside, this was a very quick read that younger teens who love werewolves will probably enjoy. The book moves along at a very good pace, and had some redeeming moments. (Specifically the relationship that develops between Claire and her mother).

My Rating:

Profanity: Mild
Sexualty: Mild; only kissing and general tension
Drugs and Alcohol: None
Violence: Mild

In My Mailbox: June 27

Oh, it was a good week you guys. A GOOD week.

I liked the slideshow format that I did last time, so I went with that again for this week's video. Enjoy!
(No books were harmed in the making of this film)

Received from Scholastic in a nice huge package that barely fit into my mailbox:
Accomplice by Eireann Corrigan
Touch Blue by Cynthia Lord
Rose Sees Red by Cecil Castellucci
Dark Life by Kat Falls
The Ghosts of Ashbury High by Jaclyn Moriarty
Linger by Maggie Stiefvater (enter the giveaway for this book)

Received from Flux Publishing:
Other by Karen Kincy

Received from Arthur A. Levine Books:
Plain Kate by Erin Bow

Received from HarperTeen:
Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel
The Unidentified by Rae Mariz

Received from Frances Foster Books:
This Gorgeous Game by Donna Freitas

Won in contests:
The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima (Thanks Reading Vacation)!
Her Wiccan, Wiccan Ways by Traci Hall (Thanks The Neverending Shelf)!

Fairies and the Quest for Neverland by Gail Carson Levine

In My Postbox #8

In My Mailbox idea from Kristi @ The Story Siren, and all links take you to The Book Depositary

I think this has to have been one of the best weeks for me for a while. I got 3 books that I have been dying to read for a while, and one that, although not my normal style, I'm looking forward to reading. In order of dropping through my postbox we have...

For Review:
My Soul To Keep by Rachel Vincent.

"Kaylee has one addiction: her very hot, very popular boyfriend, Nash. A banshee like Kaylee, Nash understands her like no one else. Nothing can come between them.

Until something does.

Demon breath. No, not the toothpaste-challenged kind. The Netherworld kind. The kind that really can kill you. Somehow the super-addictive substance has made its way to the human world. But how? Kaylee and Nash have to cut off the source and protect their friends—one of whom is already hooked.

And so is someone else…"

Not my normal style, I'll admit, but I am openminded about what I read. And it's signed by Rachel! :D Thank you Rachel for the copy!

Angel by L. A. Weatherly.
Advance Readers Copy/UK proof.

"In a world where angels are beyond redemption, Alex thinks he's found one that might deserve mercy. Alex is a ruthless assassin - of angels. Forget everything you've heard about them before. Angels are not benign celestial creatures, but fierce stalkers whose irresistible force allows them to feed off humans, draining them of their vitality until there is barely anything left. As far as Alex is concerned, the only good angel is a dead angel...until he meets Willow. She may look like a normal teenager but Willow is no ordinary girl. Half-angel, half-human, Willow may hold the key to defeating the evil angels. But as the hunter and the hunted embark on an epic and dangerous journey and Willow learns the dark and terrifying secrets of her past, Alex finds himself drawn to Willow...with devastating consequences. Eoin Colfer reinvented the fairy, Stephanie Meyer reinvented the vampire, L.A. Weatherly reinvents the angel! This is a heart-pounding, knuckle-whitening, paranormal romance action-adventure for fans of the "Twilight" series. This is the first in a devastating new trilogy."

Now I am very excited to read this. The cover on the poof is brilliant. I'm about half-way through this now and loving it so far. Thank you to Anna at Usborne for this!

Dark Matter by Michelle Paver.
Advanced Readers Copy/UK Proof

"'What is it? What does it want? Why is it angry with me?' January 1937 Clouds of war are gathering over a fogbound London. Twenty-eight year old Jack is poor, lonely and desperate to change his life. So when he's offered the chance to be the wireless operator on an Arctic expedition, he jumps at it. Spirits are high as the ship leaves Norway: five men and eight huskies, crossing the Barents Sea by the light of the midnight sun. At last they reach the remote, uninhabited bay where they will camp for the next year. Gruhuken. But the Arctic summer is brief. As night returns to claim the land, Jack feels a creeping unease. One by one, his companions are forced to leave. He faces a stark choice. Stay or go. Soon he will see the last of the sun, as the polar night engulfs the camp in months of darkness. Soon he will reach the point of no return - when the sea will freeze, making escape impossible. And Gruhuken is not uninhabited. Jack is not alone. Something walks there in the dark."

When this came through my postbox on Thursday, I pretty much freaked out. Was so excited! As a result, I had to begin reading it straight away and finished it the next morning. Absolutely loved it. Best book I have read this year. I'm not publishing my review on here till October, as it'll be used for a special themed month I am planning. However, my review has been sent to Orion via e-mail, and I will probably post it on GoodReads.


Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick.

"Nora's never been particularly attracted to the boys at her school. Not until Patch came along. With his easy smile and eyes that seem to see inside her, she is drawn to him against her better judgement. But after a series of terrifying encounters, Nora's not sure who to trust. Patch seems to be everywhere she is and knows more about her than her closest friends.And when she tries to seek some answers, she finds herself near a truth that is way more unsettling than anything Patch makes her feel. For Nora is right in the middle of a centuries-old battle between the immortal and those that have fallen - and sooner or later, she's going to have to pick sides..."

I've wanted to read this for a while, but never got round to it. And now I have won a paperback copy thanks to Jenny on Wondrous Reads! :D And Simon & Schuster UK for sending out the copy! Can't wait to read it!

A good week for me. Hope everyone else has an amazing week this coming week, despite the epic fail at the World Cup! Happy reading!

Guest Post: Regan Coomer on Egyptian Mythology

Egyptian Gods/Goddesses FAQ for “The Red Pyramid”: ‘cause Egyptian walking ain’t easy

WARNING: Carter and Sadie Kane may make you walk like an Egyptian.

Rick Riordan’s first installment in the Kane Chronicles, THE RED PYRAMID, picks up where the PERCY JACKSON AND THE OLYMPIANS left off with adventure, hilarious dialogue and of course, gods – this time of the Egyptian variety.

While I’ve always been a fan of mythology, Egyptian gods and goddesses can trip up even the diehard mythologist. To save you from repeated Googling, (like I did), here’s a go-to Egyptian gods list for you to print out and refer to while reading THE RED PYRAMID.

Gods & Goddesses you MUST know:

Osiris: God of the underworld, son of Geb and Nut, brother and husband to Isis (see how this can get confusing?)
Set: Brother to Osiris, god of the desert, storms, darkness and chaos.
Isis: Sister to Set, Osiris, Horus, Nepthys. Goddess of motherhood, magic and fertility.
Horus: Son/brother of Isis and Osiris, God of the sky, war and protection. King of the gods. Usually depicted with a falcon head.
Nepthys: Sister/wife of Set. Goddess who offered guidance to the newly dead and comforted mourners.
Anubis: Son of Nepthys/Set, God of mummification and the afterlife. (I originally mistook Osiris for him.) Usually depicted with a jackal head.
Bast: Goddess of protection, the sun and especially cats.

Gods & Goddesses it’s good to know:

Geb: Husband to Nut, god of the earth.
Nut: Goddess of the sky.
Ra: Ancient king of the gods. God of the sun. Depicted with a falcon head. All forms of life were believed to have been created by Ra, who called each of them into existence by speaking their secret names. Humans were created from Ra’s tears and sweat.
Thoth: God of magic, writing, science, knowledge and judgment of the dead. Usually depicted with an ibis or baboon head.
Sobek: God of the river, warfare and fertility, depicted with crocodile head.
Serquet: Goddess of healing stings and bites, deification of the scorpion.

Egyptian words:

Ma’at: Egyptian concept of truth, balance, order, law, morality and justice.
Duat: Underworld.
Shabti: Figurines meant to be called upon to do manual labor in the afterlife.
Djed: Symbol of Osiris, representing stability.
House of Life: Per Ankh, most Egyptian temples had a “House of Life” where records were kept including mathematics, medicine, astronomy, geography, law and dream interpretation. Place where priests and scribes were trained.

Find out more about Regan Coomer’s “Thoughts about YA books for the not-so-young adult,” at

Blogiversary Giveaway: EarthFireStudios

Steampunk jewelry is the coolest. I'm not sure what else to say about it other than that. And, all the stuff in EarthFireStudios' shop is by virtue, very awesome. Please go check it out. You won't be sorry.  Seriously.

Today you can win this very cool steampunk bookmark in your choice of color. Think of how much more stylish your books will look with the likes of this gracing the pages.

Now you know you must have it, right?... Good. Now fill out the form.

Guest Post: Harmony on Genres

About Harmony (from her blog):
Fourteen.Freshieee xD. A bookworm to the extreme, a writer to the double extreme. Working on my paranormal romance/fantasy revisions. That and blogging/reading pretty much rule my life.
Hey guys, I'm Harmony B. from Harmony's Radiant Read's ( and I'm here to guest blog for the awesome Emily!

Go to Barnes and nobles and look at the YA section (or even your own bookshelf). Rattle off the genres. Which one is seeming to appear the most? In this industry now, paranormal romance and urban fantasy are reigning supreme over mystery, historical, commercial, and even fantasy (though FANTASY kicks major butt)

Now, a lot of people don't know the exact differences that separate paranormal romance from urban fantasy, and a lot of people don't know which one they're reading. I'm here to help!

There's a lot of small difference but the major one (and the most obvious by their titles) is that paranormal romance focuses on the romantic aspect of the story and urban fantasy focuses on the actual FANTASY part of the story.


Basically, it's a romance with paranormal creatures and paranormal situations. The rules of romance novels must be followed expect for a few expectations. Most of the time, one or both of the people in love aren't exactly human and the plot is much darker and heavier than regular romance. You can't be able to take out the paranormal elements and still have a story for it to be a paranormal romance. If you can do that (which you better HOPE you can't), they're called paranormal lights. Which are like the wimpy cousins of paranormal romance. There are a lot of paranormal lights, for example (better not throw rocks at me for this) Little Mr. Twilight. It does not continue explaining the myth and background of the vampire but rather lingers on the whole 'I'm a vampire and I'm evil and why do you love me?!?!?!'

Paranormal romance can take any shape and form of genre! PR can be historical, urban fantasy, mystery, fantasy, scifi, etc.. etc.. but it will ALWAYS be categorized as PR.


The setting of urban fantasy must (obviously) be set in an urban environment! It can have (and usually does) have paranormal elements but the main thing is that the romance (if it has) TAKES A BACK SEAT. Dark urban fantasy is pretty much the same thing but it focuses a lot of horror and bloody-ness and all that good stuff . If your going to write either, make sure you work on your World-Building. It's much more important in UF than in PR. In paranormal romance, the romance is the center so while the world-building has to be good and real, it will not the center of your book. This is something that is IMPORTANT to an Urban Fantasy book! Also, pay attention to the history of your paranormal-ness!

I think I named the basic differences between the two and that you have to pay attention to recognize each one.

I'm more of a paranormal romance kind of girl, though I do read urban fantasy. Good examples of paranormal romance are Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantastsky, Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick, Fallen by Lauren Kate, Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston, Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr. I'm not much of a urban fantasy reader but I want to fix that! In the comments, tell me YOUR favorite Urban Fantasies!

It's been great guest-posting and I hope you guys at least got some book recommendation or learned about the differences between the two. If you already knew, go you!

All my information comes from this site:

I know you guys miss Emily so I shall take my leave.

-Harmony B.