
I confirm the subscription of this blog to the Paperblog service under the username thefriskyvirgin.

Recently,  I received an invitation to join Paperblog! I'm honored and excited to be joining their site. I'll post more information soon. :)

Stereotype Slayer #13: Virgins Set Women Back

I cannot tell you how badly it chaps me when I hear a fellow woman accuse me of setting the Women's Movement back "one hundred years" simply because of my decision to wait for love. 

Their argument is as follows: For years, women were expected to be virgins come their wedding night.  If they were not, they were condemned, ridiculed, and mistreated.  Thus, women were sexually repressed by men.  Having gained sexual freedom, women finally freed themselves from the restraints men and society once placed upon them. Today, any woman who chooses to be a virgin is, in effect, reimposing past sexual restraints on all women. 

Compelling argument, is it not?  However, I must counter. 

First, and foremost, I have never preached that this decision is for everyone, nor will I ever do so.  I'm simply trying to show that this IS an option and hopefully convey the fact that not all virgins fit the ever-so-popular virginal stereotype(s).

Second, while in school, girls would tell me they felt as though their virginity was something they HAD to lose in order to "get" or "keep" a guy's interest; they told me they didn't feel like they had a choice.  This is something I have heard in various forms all my life--even into my 30s--and most, if not all, admitted regret for being pressured by a guy that it ultimately did not work out with. 

Perhaps it's just me, but I have to wonder how standing my ground in what I believe in could possibly set women back. If anything, isn't it showing women that they have CHOICES? Does it not help women understand that they don't have to "give it up" simply because a guy pressures them? That they can wait for when it's right and wait for the right man?

Please, tell me what is so wrong with showing strength.  Yes, maybe it is old-fashioned in theory, but in the heart, mind, and soul, this choice is about as independent as you are going to find.

Lastly, just in case you were curious, allow me to list a few famous women rumored to have been virgins until very late in life, until their wedding night, or upon their death:

*Queen Elizabeth I, "The Virgin Queen"

*Jane Austen, author of Pride & Prejudice, Sense & Sensibility, etc.

*Julia Child, virgin until she married in her 30s

I'm going to go out on a limb, here, and say that none of these women can be accused of setting women back.

Done and dusted.

Stereotype #13: SLAYED.

American Idol--Elton John Week

Overall, I'd say the contestants had another strong night. There were some disappointments (Rocket Man, anyone? One of my absolute favorite Elton John songs, and poor Paul just didn't do it justice--I think he has a very unique voice/vibe, but...not for Rocket Man).

Highlights, in no particular order:

Pia: Once again, she nailed it with Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me.  She showed so much emotion this week--it was really powerful. Although, I bet Benny and The Jets would have been a great fit for her, and it would have broken the ballad trend.

Scotty: With Country Comfort, he brought that country swagger yet again, and reaffirmed that he will be a future country artist.

Casey: Goosebumps. Welcome back, Casey. He made Your Song, his song. (He made me cry last week--so glad they saved him). 

Jacob: Singing Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word, Jacob held back a bit, but I really thought it worked for this song.

Lauren: She did a beautiful job with Candle In The Wind. One of her strongest weeks.

Who did you like? Who do you think might be in trouble this week? Remember, TWO contestants will go home tomorrow night.

The Wand Chooses the Wizard

A couple of days ago, the first poster for the last Harry Potter movie was released.  I thought it was awesome in its simplicity.  Harry facing off against Voldemort with only the Wand of Destiny clenched between them.

However, can you think of a more cliched article of fantasy writing than the wand?  What witch, warlock, mage, or sorcerer would not be properly attired without the final touch of this powerful weapon, whether it be a traditional stick of wood or a staff of power...or perhaps even a light saber.

And if you're a writer of fantasy or paranormal, you have probably worked a wand of some sort into your own manuscript.  But as writers, we seek to always bring something new to whatever we create.  And breaking out from old cliched devices is incredibly essential to giving our reader OUR fresh perspective.

JK Rowling does exactly this with her creations, even when they come from traditional lore.  We can learn a lot about putting a fresh spin on an overused device by what she does with her magical wands.

From the very beginning we learn that "the wand chooses the wizard."  Not the other way around.  Wands have their own lore, their own power, their own loyalties, and another's wand will not give you the same results as the one that chose you.  Each wand is unique in its craftsmanship, like the owners they choose, and the wand's maker, like Ollivander, take great pride in their craft and remember every wand sold.

As the series progresses, we see hand-me-down wands, broken wands, brother wands, dueling wands, and spells that tell a lot about wands, such as priori incantatem.  With each of these examples scattered throughout the series, the reader's knowledge of the unique place wands have in this world grows.  Thus, JKR prepares her reader for the final showdown and the most important wand of all.

Since ancient times, sticks of one sort or another have been used as symbols of power and authority over people.  From Pharaoh's was to Moses' rod, to a royal scepter, to the Pope's papal staff -- what person can hold power without brandishing a stick of some sort?  Do we imbue these wands with power because of ancient images of a shepherd's guiding crook, or the disciplinary rod of a father over a child?  Or perhaps they go back even further in our collective memory and hint at a primordial time when the holiest of places, the highest authority, was found in a grove of trees?

Whatever the reason, sticks of wood convey authority and power and JKR used this to her full advantage, with her own twist, in the final book, Deathly Hallows.  The Elder Wand that Harry and Voldemort both seek to claim, the symbol of protection against death, lies in a sacred tomb that Harry refuses to disturb, but Voldemort violates.  It is this attitude that no one matters besides me, contrasted against Harry's self-sacrifice for the love of others, that is ultimately Voldemort's undoing.  No totalitarian authority is allowed to live forever when those oppressed finally are roused to rebel.  Not even the Deathstick, that magical ultimate weapon of mass destruction, can save Voldemort from a simple boy's kindness of heart.  For it is Harry's nonviolent disarming of his classmate Draco which has won the loyalty of the Elder Wand.  And it is his casting of a non-lethal spell into the face of Avada Kedavra, that turns the killing spell back onto its caster, and bring the end to He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named.

In her intricate plotting, JKR thought deeply of the themes she pursued throughout her series and how these themes would live in the world she created.  Her wands tell us a lot about how the author views the magical world, and our own.  As Dumbledore said, "Voldemort himself created his own worst enemy, just as tyrants everywhere do! Have you any idea how much tyrants fear the people they oppress?" (p. 510, HBP)

Recent events in the MiddleEast have shown what Voldemort learned too late -- even in the real world we witness that how ruthlessly a ruler wields his wand of power is often an indication of how brutally he will be brought down by those who've suffered under him.

Writers -- Look at your symbols, your cliched items of your genre.  What fresh spin can you bring to the tired symbols and tropes?  Think deeply about your story, your world, your hero, and your meaning.  Are your themes reflected throughout?  And if not, what can you do to weave your own Wand of Destiny over your creation and make it truly come alive and sing with your Voice?

Deathly Hallows poster credit
Was scepter image credit

True Blood Tuesday: Waiting Sucks Videos!

HBO has released some more "Waiting Sucks" videos to pacify the True Blood 



Bill & Eric


A World Without Heroes by Brandon Mull: Review

A World Without Heroes
By: Brandon Mull

Format: Hardcover, 464 Pages
Published: March 15, 2011; Aladdin Books
Source: ARC from Publisher

Author Website | Author Twitter

Synopsis (from Goodreads): Jason Walker has often wished his life could be a bit less predictable--until a routine day at the zoo ends with Jason suddenly transporting from the hippo tank to a place unlike anything he's ever seen. In the past, the people of Lyrian welcomed visitors from the Beyond, but attitudes have changed since the wizard emperor Maldor rose to power. The brave resistors who opposed the emperor have been bought off or broken, leaving a realm where fear and suspicion prevail.

In his search for a way home, Jason meets Rachel, who was also mysteriously drawn to Lyrian from our world. With the help of a few scattered rebels, Jason and Rachel become entangled in a quest to piece together the word of power that can destroy the emperor, and learn that their best hope to find a way home will be to save this world without heroes.

My Review:

First of all, if you haven't read my post about the launch party for this book, check it out. It was awesomely wild. (link)

My brother read Fablehaven and loved them. I read the first one and felt really lukewarm about it.  But, I love fantasy, and after reading the synopsis of this book, felt like it would probably be a better fit for me than the Fablehaven series was. And I was correct.

The message in this book was clear: heroes can come from anywhere.  In Lyrian, heroes are mocked, laughed and, and treated like they are crazy.  Those that would try to oppose the Emperor are bought out and sent to a place where they are treated like royalty and don't have to worry about hard things like honor, glory, or doing what's right.  Jason and Rachel end up in Lyrian and in a situation where the only way to go home is to stand up to the emperor.

The creativity in this book is astounding. At first I found it a little jarring. Near the beginning of the book, Jason accesses the secret portal to Lyrian through a hippo's gullet. I have to admit, that was really strange for me. I kept thinking, "How did he [Brandon Mull] come up with this stuff?" But, for a book that is written for younger readers, that's exactly what you want to do, and that's why the Fablehaven books are so successful.  Once I got a little further into the book, the hippos and people falling off cliffs incidents were fewer, and I felt a little more comfortable, and intrigued.

I definitely feel like there is a great story here.  Even though the creatures that Mull has created for this world are imaginative, they are not unreasonably weird.  Rachel got on my nerves a little bit at times with her constant need to assert herself and make sure that she was equal in EVERYTHING. Thankfully she toned down a bit by the end of the book.

This is a book that I know boys 9-13 will love. Give your reluctant readers a copy of this book. They will eat it up.

My Rating:

Happy Monday: It's Award Time!

Stephanie was sweet enough to pass "The Incredibly Sweet" blog award to me. She is such a sweetheart--definitely visit her blog when you have a won't be disappointed: she is honest, funny, endearing, and just a joy to read.

As part of this award, I need to reveal 5 random facts about myself. 

1.  Miracle Whip Me: One of my favorite beauty routines is turning my face into a sandwich. I smear Miracle Whip all over my face, leave it on for ten to fifteen minutes, and then wash it off to uncover baby-soft skin.  Basically, it's a super cheap alternative to a mask for dry skin.  It makes my face red for an hour or so, but it makes my skin soooooo soft.  My eyes water while it's on and I tend to smell like a sandwich, but it's better than a $40-$50 mask!

2.  Sports Dreams: Since I was little, I have been able to accurately dream the outcomes of sporting events, especially ones involving my teams.  It's uncanny.  It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, I pay attention. Some of the wildest ones have involved the LSU Tigers...and if you have followed LSU football the past few years, you would know why I use the word "wild."

3.  The Blue Man Group: Scares the ever-loving crap outta me. No idea why, but they totally wig me out. And yet I love Smurfs. Go figure.

4.  Superstitious: Yeah, I kinda am, especially when it comes to football. When I was in junior high, I would make posters prior to a Dallas Cowboys game. Every single blasted time I did that, they lost. After about 3 losses, I declared poster-making a jinx and never did them again.

5.  Walking on tiptoes: I like walking on my tiptoes when I go upstairs. Random, right? Reckon a plus side is the whole leg-strengthening thing.

Now, I have to pass this award to five special bloggers.  Well, I'm going to break the rules here because I'm naughty like that (hey, I have to be naughty about something, right?).  I've seen this done before and I just think it's such a great gets this award! If you read this, take it and have fun with it! You all deserve it.


Tag Time! The adorable Lex tagged anyone who read her post and wished to participate.  If you haven't visited her blog, please do so--not only is she a total sweetheart, but she has a good head on her shoulders, won't let anyone walk over her, and is funny as heck.

Rules: 1. List 3 things you love about yourself; 2. Post a picture you love; 3. List 5 bloggers to whom you are passing this along.

Three things I love about myself:

* I am who I am.  I'm not trying to be something/someone I'm not.  What you see is what you get...I'm not afraid to just be me, flaws and all.

* I love how much I love my parents.  My mama and daddy mean the world to me.  I just love them so much and wish I could take their dreams, wrap them up with a great big bow, and make them come true.

* I love how I can stand toe-to-toe with a guy on sports. The sparring is so much fun.

Picture: Animal House. When I hear or read nonsensical crap spewed on the news or in entertainment headlines, I always, always think of this scene. I figure this image sums up my mindset pretty nicely.

List five bloggers: In keeping with Lex, and the above award, I'm tagging ANYONE who reads this post and would like to participate!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Themed Weeks; A Follow Up

Hi guys! I announced a few weeks ago that there will be a monthly feature on EoB starting in May where for a week it'll be themed. Reviews. Guest posts, so and so. I didn't get many decisions so decided for it to be fair, I'd pick the first theme and then leave the competition open till 24th April. So that's what I've done. So do tweet or email me your suggestions to pick the themed month for June!

Anyway, I put a bunch of themes that me and my mate could come up with into a hat... okay, a glass... and picked one out at random. And out came:

(Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, for those who aren't fans of abreviations!)

So expect to see that sometime in May! Also, any titles you can suggest will be welcomed! 

In My Postbox #31

In My Mailbox idea from Kristi @ The Story Siren, and all links take you to Amazon UK.

Well the clocks changed today in England. Forward an hour. So we've lost an hour. Of sleep. Of whatever else we have to do today. And on my only day off work this week. How considerate! :D Haha. Anyway, happy Sunday guys! The second week of IMP in a row! Woo! Anyway, I got lots of exciting things through my postbox this week, so without further ado...

Dead Man's Cove by Lauren St John (Paperback)
I read this back last Summer when the amazing Nina at Orion sent me a proof copy for review (said review can be seen here!!!) and now she sent me over a paperback copy, out in shops right now, because... I'M QUOTED! :D :D :D

(I apologise in advance for the bad pic quality. Took it on my iPod as my camera just made the text all blurry!)

Seriously, check it out, it's a brilliant book! Thanks Orion!!

Shadows on the Moon by Zoe Marriott
Described to me in an email from Walker books as: It is a powerful narrative filled with magic, love and revenge with a valiant female lead set in fairy tale Japan; this text turns Cinderella on its head and discloses both love’s beauty and its terror simultaneously... I just knew I had to give it a shot. Out in July! Be sure to check it out! Thanks to Walker Books for this!

Also got some very cool things non book related...

Deluxe Edition from HMV! So cool. It folds out and is in a digi pack.

Seriously! I know a lot of people write her off, but this album is incredible. A right party album. Her best yet, in my opinion. Even non Britney fans I've played this to are loving it. Very dubsteppy and poppy at the same time. :D

And... something I am majorly insanely excited about....

MY NINTENDO 3DS!!!!!!!! :D YAY!!!!!
After months of waiting, having pre-ordered back in January my copy was finally delivered on release day... FRIDAY! Came with Nintendogs and Cats in 3D! Sadly I had to wait till gone freaking 7 thanks to work! But anyway, it's cool! I love it. It's proper 3D. So so cool! :D Can't wait to get some more games for it, and they've announced they're gunna be releasing films in 3D for it! :D AMAZING!

So there you go! That's what I got this week through the letter box! What did you guys get?!

Smile Time

I had a whole Stereotype Slayer post planned for today, but, well, it seems we need some smiles these days.  

I like to go back to things that remind me of times where life/society was far less complicated, far less stomach-churning. Don't you just love those warm and fuzzy feelings of yesteryear?

I double-dog dare you not to smile, even a little. ;) You know, sometimes I can so relate to that tree. ;)

Guest Posting at Reading Vacation

One of my favorite bloggers, Melina from Reading Vacation, posted a guest post that I did for her today.  It's all about my favorite fairy tale retellings and why you should read them. Because goodness knows I love a fairytale retelling.


Linketty Link

Just a short post to point your way to a great analysis on Literary Rambles that I just discovered by S. Kyle Davis.  He analyzes JKR's plot chart from Order of the Phoenix for writers, and does a great job of it.

Check it out!

American Idol--Motown Night

Wow! Super awesome night for the Idol contestants. Overall, I though they all had pretty strong showings.

My favorites on the night (this week, it's hard to narrow them down this week):

1.  Pia: Again, she is unbelievable. I had goosebumps listening to her sing All In Love Is Fair. Two of the judges got on her a little bit for singing too many ballads. While I totally understand where they are coming from, the big three they always refer to--Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, and Whitney Houston--have attained musical brilliance singing mainly power ballads.  Just a thought I had when I heard the critiques.

2. Scotty: Have I mentioned how much I LOVE his voice? It's SO country! Love it! Tonight, he really did a fantastic job turning a classic Motown song into his genre, country. Great job.

3. Lauren: I think this was her strongest showing to date. Last week, she was sick, and you could tell her voice just wouldn't let her hit those big notes. Tonight, she did it.

4. James: Rocked it again. I thought he was actually better this week than last.  He did a great job.

So, fellow Idol watchers, what did you think? Favorites? Who do you think will be in the bottom three?

News: Inheritance Book 4 by Christopher Paolini Announced!

At long last!!! Check out the press release below!!!

Random House Children’s Books announces
final book in Christopher Paolini’s Inheritance Cycle

London (23rd March 2011) The fourth and final book in Christopher Paolini’s global bestseller Inheritance Cycle will be published this autumn. Following the number one bestselling novels EragonEldestBrisingr, the book will be called INHERITANCE.
‘The burning questions asked by fans around the world will be finally answered in this last instalment,’ said Christopher Paolini. ‘All will be revealed!’
INHERITANCE will be published in the UK on Tuesday 8th November 2011, simultaneously with the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, priced £18.99. It will also be available in ebook and audio editions.

Philippa Dickinson, MD of RHCB in the UK says, ‘We are extremely proud and excited to be publishing INHERITANCE. Christopher Paolini's books are an incredible worldwide phenomenon and readers have been eagerly awaiting the final instalment in the cycle. RHCB are anticipating a huge amount of interest in what is sure to be one of the biggest events of the year.'   

Publication will be backed by a major marketing and publicity campaign, including cinema advertising, innovative and content-rich digital marketing activity, a book video trailer and media coverage.

All Sunday Times bestsellers in the UK, EragonEldest and Brisingr have been international publishing sensations. The first three books have sold over 25 million copies worldwide, including more than 4 million copies in the UK and Export markets.

Eragon, Eldest and Brisingr will be reissued in paperback in the UK on 7th July with new cover designs that breathe new life into John Jude Palencar’s stunning artwork. 

Woo! Can't wait! Really excited to see how it all ends! And I am loving the cover! :D Anyone else excited??!!?!!?!

Bad Behavior Wins

Well, Disney-owned ABC has decided to go ahead and allow Chris Brown to perform on Dancing With The Stars next week.

Their reasoning? Apparently, they feel everything will go smoothly (i.e. he shouldn't have any outbursts) so long as he JUST sings, and no questions are asked of him.  Wow, talk about tip-toeing around the guy.

Want some more head-shaking revelations? Prepare to feel sick if you care about the direction our world is taking: 

ABC will not press charges against Brown.  Thus, his actions will, to date, go unpunished.

After trashing property which wasn't his, he was seen playing basketball, laughing and appearing in good spirits. 

Good Morning America has invited Brown to back to the show, apparently to make peace. Yes, really.

Brown was allegedly upset that questions regarding his past were brought up on a day when he was trying to make a comeback. He tweeted immediately following the incident: "I’m so over people bringing this past s**t up!!! Yet we praise Charlie sheen and other celebs for there bulls**t."

Does it bother you that he can still get THAT violent over what he did to Rihanna? That he refers to the incident as "past s**t?"  I'm fairly certain she doesn't see the acts of violence against her as "past s**t."

Even more disturbing is the rather large number of young women who are flooding sites and twitter with words of support for Brown, saying things like the following:

Shame on GMA! That's his past and he should be allowed to move on!

Leave him alone! It was his past! It's okay, he's going to be on Dancing With The Stars, the most popular show on T.V., and that's an honor!

I'm truly shocked. These people, including ABC, are literally excusing his outburst, even going so far as implicitly justifying it because they dared ask him about a crime HE committed!

Though he has a valid point regarding Sheen, he is clearly wearing blinders when it comes to his past actions.  Criminal acts, such as his, will forever follow him.

If Chris Brown had the name Joe No-Last-Name, he would have to apply for jobs and face questions regarding his criminal record. It's called life.  You can't run away from things; you have to learn to man-up and face them head on, no matter how difficult it may be.

Had he replied differently, it would have been a completely different outcome.  Imagine if he had said something like this: "You know, I'm trying to move on from what I did, but not a day goes by that I don't regret my actions.  They were inexcusable and I will forever be sorry for what I did." People would have responded with cautious optimism, possibly willing to give the young guy a chance to redeem himself.

But, he didn't.  Instead, he flew off the handle, trashed property that wasn't his own, and is being rewarded with people walking on eggshells around him and the opportunity to promote his album on a family show.

What kind of a message does this send women who have suffered from domestic abuse? 


Stop Rewarding Bad Behavior

There is a disturbing trend in our society: act poorly, break the law, get rewarded.  All you have to do is get drunk, scream, urinate in a bush, puke on a reality show, have a meltdown, live an overtly promiscuous lifestyle, act violent towards your significant other, break the law, or neglect your children, and you can write your ticket to a book deal and various spokesperson gigs.

What kind of message does this send to our youth? Act poorly and you can have everything you've ever dreamed of having? 

We are living in a backwards world. What happened to right vs. wrong? What happened to applauding good deeds and imposing consequences upon those who prefer to act in a less civilized manner? 

Apparently, the push to reward bad behavior is working...sadly. 

Charlie Sheen sold out shows in mere minutes at the legendary Radio City Music Hall--an establishment that has seen some of the classiest performances of legends past.  CBS recently took a stand in light of Charlie Sheen's less-than-stellar behavior, firing him from Two And A Half Men.  However, after selling out Radio City, reports have surfaced that CBS is trying to woo Sheen back into the fold. Again, what kind of a message does this send? Drugs use, porn parties, drinking, and alleged acts of violence are apparently meaningless when money is involved.

Last night, while watching Dancing With The Stars, I heard them announce Chris Brown as next week's musical guest. Seriously? DISNEY owned ABC has invited a young man who physically abused his girlfriend to perform on their wildly popular show to promote his music? Surely I have entered some parallel universe--Disney, the embodiment of family and values, would never feature a young woman-beater on one of their most popular shows! 

I hear what you're saying: maybe he's changed.  Everyone deserves a second chance.  I completely agree with you, but in order to get that second chance, they have to spend significant time EARNING it. 

I'll let you be the judge: Today, in an interview with Good Morning America, Chris Brown was asked about the Rihanna incident.  He responded with the following:  "It's not really a big deal to me now, as far as that situation. I think I'm past that in my life."

Shortly thereafter, he stormed to his dressing room and went on a rampage, screaming and breaking a window, allegedly sending glass onto the street below (which, by the way, could render him liable if anyone on the street had been injured).  Here's the article, if you'd like to read more: Chris Brown Rampage.

I can only hope Disney will do what is right and remove Brown from their scheduled performers.

I suppose it's all about money and entertainment.  If the money is there, the powers that be seem to overlook appalling behavior.  Likewise, bad behavior sells...people like to watch others make fools out of themselves.  How sad is that, really?  Guess what? You don't have to do all the wrong things, make all the wrong choices, to attract an audience.  If given the chance, even the good folk can be amazingly a clean, enjoyable, funny kind-of-way.  Its happened before, and we need it again because even if people can separate what is right from what is wrong, there is still that lingering notion of certain behavior garnering "awesome" rewards. 

Let's STOP rewarding bad behavior. Let's STOP setting bad examples for future generations.  Let's START giving this world what it needs--a shot in the arm of GOOD, solid, moral behavior.

It's not that complicated.

Mad-Eye and Frankenstein: A Monstrous Introduction!

Mad-Eye Moody is one of JKR's most fascinating characters, even in GoF when he is basically an impostor. The reader first hears about Mad-Eye a chapter before he is brought onstage, through the varied opinions of other characters. Using the positive and negative (and sometimes false) opinions of others is a great way to lay the foundation and reputation of a new character.
   "Mad-Eye Moody?" said George thoughtfully, spreading marmalade on his toast. "Isn't he that nutter -"
   "Your father thinks very highly of Mad-Eye Moody," said Mrs. Weasley sternly.
   "Yeah, well, Dad collects plugs, doesn't he?" said Fred quietly as Mrs. Weasley left the room. "Birds of a feather. . ."
   "Moody was a great wizard in his time," said Bill.
   "He's an old friend of Dumbledore's, isn't he?" said Charlie.
   "Dumbledore's not what you'd call normal, though, is he?" said Fred. "I mean, I know he's a genius and everything.. ."
   "Who is Mad-Eye?" asked Harry.
   "He's retired, used to work at the Ministry," said Charlie. "I met him once when Dad took me into work with him. He was an Auror - one of the best. . . a Dark wizard catcher," he added, seeing Harry's blank look "Half the cells in Azkaban are full because of him. He made himself loads of enemies, though. . . the families of people he caught, mainly. . . and I heard he's been getting really paranoid in his old age. Doesn't trust anyone anymore. Sees Dark wizards everywhere."
Notice how JKR uses motherly corrections from Mrs. Weasley to highlight George's comment that Mad-Eye is a nutcase. Through this preliminary work, JKR lays the base for Dumbledore's trust of Mad-Eye and an excuse for Mad-Eye's extreme paranoia that will be shown throughout the book.  Still, she uses Fred and George -- who in their role of tricksters have the remarkable ability to view their world outside the status quo -- to question whether Mad-Eye is truly all right and to plant a thread of suspicion upon him.
   A man stood in the doorway, leaning upon a long staff, shrouded in a black traveling cloak. Every head in the Great Hall swiveled toward the stranger, suddenly brightly illuminated by a fork of lightning that flashed across the ceiling. He lowered his hood, shook out a long mane of grizzled, dark gray hair, then began to walk up toward the teachers’ table.
   A dull clunk echoed through the Hall on his every other step. He reached the end of the top table, turned right, and limped heavily toward Dumbledore. Another flash of lightning crossed the ceiling. Hermione gasped.
   The lightning had thrown the man’s face into sharp relief, and it was a face unlike any Harry had ever seen. It looked as though it had been carved out of weathered wood by someone who had only the vaguest idea of what human faces are supposed to look like, and was none too skilled with a chisel. Every inch of skin seemed to be scarred. The mouth looked like a diagonal gash, and a large chunk of the nose was missing. But it was the man’s eyes that made him frightening.
   One of them was small, dark, and beady. The other was large, round as a coin, and a vivid, electric blue. The blue eye was moving ceaselessly, without blinking, and was rolling up, down, and from side to side, quite independently of the normal eye - and then it rolled right over, pointing into the back of the man’s head, so that all they could see was whiteness.
   The stranger reached Dumbledore. He stretched out a hand that was as badly scarred as his face, and Dumbledore shook it, muttering words Harry couldn’t hear. He seemed to be making some inquiry of the stranger, who shook his head unsmilingly and replied in an undertone. Dumbledore nodded and gestured the man to the empty seat on his right-hand side.
   The stranger sat down, shook his mane of dark gray hair out of his face, pulled a plate of sausages toward him, raised it to what was left of his nose, and sniffed it. He then took a small knife out of his pocket, speared a sausage on the end of it, and began to eat. His normal eye was fixed upon the sausages, but the blue eye was still darting restlessly around in its socket, taking in the Hall and the students.
All in all, a great introduction of an awesome character.  But where to begin to analyze this?  JKR just throws out so many well-crafted details, many of which point to clues to Pseudo Mad-Eye's ultimate purpose in this story.

1) Words like "shrouded," "limped," "speared," "unsmiling," "undertone," and "darting" cloak Mad-Eye as a man of mystery, action, and distrust.

2) This lack of his trust of others is reiterated with actions such as his eye rolling all around, into the back of his head to study everyone and everything around him, sniffing his sausages, his unblinking, always wary eye, and even the dull echo of his clunking gait across the floor, which hints at his tremendous losses, both physical and emotional.

3) Notice the wonderful, vivid descriptions such as "carved out of weathered wood" -- not just any wood.  That weathered helps the reader know, this man has been through a lot.  That "long mane of grizzled, dark hair," also lends to his crusty personality.  Add to that the diagonal gash for a mouth and the nose minus a few chunks and you've got yourself a fabulous description that portrays a man who, using one of my father's expressions, has been "run hard and put up wet!"

With the extreme care which JKR has used to introduce this character, the reader should know that this man is important to this story.  Put all these parts together and you've got a most unusual man, a man who's seen the dark side of life, faced physical harm, distrusts must everyone around him, but a man whom Dumbledore trusts and welcomes brightly.

Notice, however, that JKR does give a couple of hints toward this character's ultimate end -- that "fork of lightning" above his head is no accident.  To fork is to divide into two or more branches.  Pseudo Mad-Eye as impersonated by Barty Crouch is definitely a divided man.  Perhaps a stronger hint are the "eyes that made him frightening."  If eyes are the mirrors of the soul, then this man's "small, dark, and beady" and unblinking should strike fear into the heart of the reader!

But perhaps the greatest clue of all is the subtle hint of a literary metaphor at work here.  Do you get the feeling that Mary Shelley might have had an influence in the creation of this Frakensteinesque Auror?  What with the flashes of lightening, the hints of an inept creator, and the scars and mismatched eyes that make it appear as if Mad-Eye was put together from various other people (as indeed Pseudo Mad-Eye was!).  Shelley's monster was abandoned by his father-creator, turning him into a murdering, lost son -- much as Barty Crouch Jr. was.  Indeed, at the end of Shelley's work, when the monster Frankenstein created and abandoned, nameless, tells his tale of woe, one feels more sympathy for him than for his creator -- as I felt myself for Crouch Jr. as well.

Combine the forked lightning and shifty eyes with the hints of a Frankenstein created monster and Geroge and Fred's earlier banter that hints at distrust, and the reader should definitely be looking beneath this stranger's shrouded cloak into his mysteries.  With these subtle clues, reader you have been warned.  "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!"  Even for the man who will soon teach Harry this crucial lesson in class.

As writers, we introduce characters to our readers all the time.  Many require straightforward weaving of description with action that bring that character to life.  But a few will challenge us to use our highest skill.  Those characters that must fool our reader for a time period, we must pay particular attention to.  While it is ok to play sly and fool your reader, you don't want to outright deceive them unfairly.  Clues, as subtle as possible, must be present, even from a character's first introduction.  Through the use of a subtle literary metaphor, opinions of others, and shifty eyes, JKR gave a hint to the alert reader that all was not what it seemed with Mad-Eye, while at the same time presenting him as a man whom Dumbledore trusted, a wounded her, and an altogether fascinating creation.

I'm curious to know -- what did you all think of Mad-Eye when you first met him?  Were you alerted?  Were you fooled?  At what point had you figured out he was the prime antagonist?

You may also be interested in my post about the link between Mad-Eye's magical eye and the Eye of Horus.

Picture credits: Mad-Eye pic from movie
drawing of Mad-Eye by Mary GrandPre

Big Love, Big Ending.

Big Love (SPOILER WARNING): Well, it's all over, literally. Big Love wrapped up last night with a bang...again, literally.  Bill Hendrickson was shot to death outside of his home on Easter Sunday.

Most people were shocked by the ending.  My mom, friend, and I? Not so much. We all figured Bill was going to die in some form or fashion, so it didn't come as a big shock at all. Throughout the course of the last two seasons, we've seen Bill's wives (even Nikki) display growing pangs for independence and change.  I guess it only followed that the show would end with the women coming together, finding their footing, and carrying on without needing Bill.

Overall, I thought it was a fitting end for the show.  But, I have to admit, I felt oddly empty afterward. *SPOILER* I mean, the barely-there neighbor sees his freshly re-sodded lawn, marches over, and shoots Bill? How dare you be a good neighbor, keep your promise, and re-sod my lawn! Bang, bang.  It just seemed a little rushed and contrived. We knew the neighbor was coming unglued the past couple of weeks.  I suppose it shows that random acts of violence can happen anywhere, and it's not always the likely suspect.

Pros: Magnified that this show was never about was about the women; the wives find their independence and carry forward; Barb becomes the next priesthood holder, perhaps even the next prophet; Margene travels abroad to do good for others; Nikki, as far as I can tell, runs the household; good to see Sarah back on the show with her husband and newborn baby boy; Ben and Heather got married (not sure I ever bought them as a couple, though).

Cons: Did Bill's father die with Lois? Did they commit suicide together? Whatever happened to Joey and Wanda? I guess they fled the country, but that wasn't addressed very well.  I know a lot of people have wondered about Bill and Barb's daughter, Teeny...she did get a brief mention in the final minutes of the show, but never reappeared on camera.  I'm assuming the compound is no more.  There are a few more "guesses" and "assumptions" with this finale than what I would have liked.

Overall, it tied the important stories up pretty nicely, though I would have liked more.  Of course, they may have written it to mirror life--not everything gets neatly wrapped up with a big red bow.

My mom was hilarious--she wanted the big red bow.

If you watched it, what did y'all think of the series finale?

A Round Up: Scorpia Rising Second Trailer, Time Riders 4 and Oceans of Blood

Okay, so it's time for a bit of a catch up on all things bookish!

A few days ago I posted the trailer for Anthony Horowitz' long awaited final Alex Rider adventure, Scorpia Rising (for which I am uber massively, super amazingly, humdingingly excited for!!!). Well now Walker Books have released the second trailer and it's blooming brilliant. I love how much they're putting in to this book, the promo and everything so far, the designs, it's all so top notch. Bravo, Walker, Bravo! 11 DAYS TO GO!

Now, towards the start of the year, I brought Time Riders by Alex Scarrow. I'd been meaning to do so for a long long time but finally, I got around to it. I read it. Loved it. And have a review written in my notebook somewhere, which just needs to be taken from rough to final and will be coming soon. Looking forward to reading the second book, Day of the Predator and Book 3 released earlier this year, The Doomsday Code. But now Alex has announced the title and cover for Book Four! Out on 4th August, The Eternal War looks set to take on the American civil war. Check out the awesome cover below! I for one am looking forward to it!

And finally, something else exciting coming in in the next few months! The second book in Darren Shan's The Saga of Larten Crepsley! I loved Birth of a Killer when it came out last year and have been looking forward to this for ages! Ocean of Blood is out in May and below is the brilliant cover! Darren always has such brilliant covers! Bravo Harper Collins!

Exciting stuff, eh?!

In My Postbox #30

In My Mailbox idea from Kristi @ The Story Siren, and all links take you to Amazon UK.

Hey everyone. Happy Sunday! Hope everyones had a good few weeks since my last In My Postbox post! I am in the process of writing reviews, getting them ready and stuff to post so hopefully that will be coming soon. Also, there's just 1 week left to send me your suggestions for the first themed week, coming in May! Tweet me your suggestions @EmpireofBooks or e-mail me empire-of-books [at] live [dot] co [dot ] uk! :) Anyway, here are all the books I've gotten over the last few weeks!

Desires of the Dead by Kimberly Derting
The Shadowing: Hunted by Adam Slater
Forgotten by Cat Patrick
Darkest Mercy by Melissa Mar
Divergent by Veronica Roth
Spirit of the Titanic by Nicola Pierce
One Dog and his Boy by Eva Ibbotson
Flip by Matyn Bedford

Now the cover for Flip is pretty damn cool! It's got 2! One on the front... and one on the back! Check it out. A blooming brilliant book as well (review is on my To Do list!)

Also got some pretty cool CDs as well worth a little mention, as they did come through the postbox...

Alexis Jordan by Alexis Jordan
19 by Adele
21 by Adele
Goodbye Lullaby by Avril Lavigne
Who You Are by Jessie J (SIGNED!!)

So there you are, all the exciting things that graced my postbox the last few weeks! What cool stuff have you guys got? Leave a message, link me to any IMP and I'll do my best to check it out and comment, and in the mean time I hope everyone has a great week, keeps safe and has lots and lots of happy reading! :)

Cover VS Cover:

UK // US

Changeling by Steve Feasey was re-branded Wereling for the US, so for a starteRs I already prefer the UK edition because the title just fits so so well!

I read the book a few months ago on my Kindle, and have since purchased the second book, which I am currently waiting to get around to. A review is soon to follow, it's on the to do list! But in the meantime...

I think it's a given which one is the winner this time. The colouring. The overall image. The effects on the cover. The feeling it evokes. The UK just has to win. The US cover lacks something. It's dark and brooding, which fits the feel of the book, but it just doesn't give that urge to read which the UK one gave me!

So there we go, Steve should be very proud of his UK team for creating such beautiful work.

News: Scorpia Rising Trailer

If you like me are eagerly counting down the days till the release of Scoripa Rising, the ninth and final Alex Rider book by the legendary Anthony Horowitz, and are one of the lucky ones who haven't read it yet, (Yes, I'm looking at you The Book Zone!!!!) then here is the brand spanking new trailer to whet your appetite! Roll on 31st March!

Brandon Mull Launch Party

I've been to many launch parties since I started blogging. None of them were like the one for A WORLD WITHOUT HEROES by Brandon Mull (the first book in the BEYONDERS series). I had heard that Brandon Mull's launches were a part-TAY, but I was really blown away by the enormity of the event. It was such a blast.  I met up with Suey from It's All About Books and also saw Natasha from Maw Books.  I think I'll definitely make it a priority to go to the launch parties for Brandon Mull's upcoming books, because this one was WILD!

If you missed the launch party on Tuesday, Brandon Mull is doing more signings in the next couple days, including one today at the Provo Library.

March 18
Provo County Library

550 North University Avenue
Provo, UT 84601

March 19
Costco #487

11100 South Auto Mall Drive
Sandy, UT 84070

Costco #733
198 North 1200 East
Lehi, UT 84043

Costco #484
648 East 800 South
Orem, UT 84097

Or, if you want to see a portion of the awesomeness that was the party on Tuesday, I did record some video and pieced it together.  Suey from It's All About Books also did a nice video as well.  She got some stuff I missed and vice versa.