Zel by Donna Jo Napoli: Review

Zel Cover Art

By: Dona Jo Napoli
Fantasy, YA Fiction
Zel lives with her mother high in the mountains, and all they need is each other. On Zel's birthday, her mother brings her into town where Zel meets a young prince. Zel's mother notices the attraction and decides to take drastic measures to keep her as her own.

The entire book was written in present tense. For some reason I really don't like that style of writing, and it seems like it can be a little hard to follow. Also, the story switched viewpoints, which is something I also don't prefer in a story. I liked the premise of the story, and thought that it was an interesting retelling. I really liked the development of the mother's character and reading about her thoughts and rationalizations for what she was doing. However, I didn't like Zel's character or the Prince's. A word of warning, there is a sex scene in this book, which kind of surprised me in a YA book. I really did feel like it was unnecessary.

Overall, I gave the book 2 out of 5 stars. If you can get past the writing style in the book, you may enjoy it.