Book of a Thousand Days: Review

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Book of a Thousand Days
By: Shannon Hale
Young-Adult fiction

When Dashti, a maid, and her mistress, Saren, are locked in a tower because of Saren's refusal to marry a cruel Khan, Dashti begins her book. Gradually their food supply runs low, rats infest the tower, and weather conditions make it difficult to survive. Dashti begins to plan an escape.

I love Shannon Hale's books. However, I didn't enjoy this one nearly as much as others she has written. Part of it is personal preference. I don't really like the journal entry style of writing. The story was fun, but nothing really special. It's pretty evident from the beginning of the story who Dashti is going to end up with. But, it was cute, and really enjoyable.

I gave it 3 out of 5 stars